Thanks for so many days of lodging and eating for so many visitors to our community who have been allowed to have a hotel room and adequate food for their stay. It has been a marvelous year.
Just in case you missed the very definitive newspaper article in the Charlottesville Daily Progress of November 28, 2010, please read our blog entry directly beneath this article and the link to the newspaper article. Then share it with a friend or neighbor.
Allow me to leave this lovely bit of advice in your thoughts as a gift…
“Many men and women know the laws of mathematics and are skilled in the arts, but most know very little about the laws governing life, the art of living. One may be able to build an airplane and circle the globe and yet be entirely ignorant of the simple art of how to be happy, successful, and content. When studying the arts, place first upon the list the art of living.” Author Unknown“Surely at the heart of the art of living… is the giving.” ... T. Wade
Blessings….T. Wade, Elisheva and Sam
Founding Members of IHS