J&E Berkley Foundation's Second Assist in Two Years
The Foundation, located in Crozet, considered the IHS grant request at their meeting held on April 30, 2013. Mr. Chris Pasmore, Executive Director, wrote,
"It is my pleasure to inform you that a grant of $3,000 was awarded to Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. and to be used as outlined in your proposal dated March 29, 2013. Enclosed is an official check in the amount of $3,000."
Grant is Dedicated to Medications, Co-Pays, Travel and Lodging
The J&E Berkley Foundation was made aware of this charity's growing need, specifically over the last year, regarding expanded medication, co-pay and travel assistance for the indigent population who come from great distances. From January 2012 - March 2013 (15 months) IHS provided over $5,000 just for this category of assistance. This was an increase from $1,007 in all of 2011 requested to assist the UVA Hospital's Office of Social Work for underfunded patients.
During this same period of time (January 2012 - March 2013) IHS paid for 129 commercial hotel rooms for 232 patients and/or family members who could not be accommodated in the UVA Hospitality House, and several overflow families for a fully-booked Ronald McDonald House. The $3,000 grant will be used for these two areas of temporary assistance during the remainder of 2013.
Truly a Delightful Boost to 2013 Needs
On behalf of the IHS Volunteers of this totally independent public charity dedicated to the UVA Medical Center's indigent and temporarily underfunded patients and families, and the professional staff of Social Workers in the UVA Medical Center ... THANKS goes to the J&E Berkley Foundation for this needed support.
On a final Note for May - a dear friend of this Charity will be missed

A Little Background is Worth Remembering
In 2008 we (Revs. Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg ) approached Noel and then Chief Chaplain Richard Haines (now retired) with a plan to establish a public charity to seek to meet the immediate "unmet" needs of indigent patients. The decision to allow us to be accessed as needed by the Social Staff on a 24/7 basis was an unusual request, but recognized by Noel and Chaplain Haines as another opportunity to serve this dedicated population, all too often with no other charity or agency available or willing to respond so quickly. Noel listened intently and monitored and offered advice, as IHS slowly involved itself with fund-raising, and active ideas to strengthen objectives. A wonderful trust evolved, and whatever this charity has been able to accomplish and continues to accomplish is due to Noel Dianas-Hughes decision to allow another helping hand to assist in her staff's goals of securing the well-being of the least able among us.
As We said back in 2008 to Noel and Richard ...
"We will do what we can do for as long as we can do it!"Never forget when someone allows a door to open to let all comers know that others care for their well-being. Our thanks to Noel for her generosity.
Sincerely ... T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg, Sam McLawhorn, and IHS Volunteers