Friends Helping Friends
Unless you live in Charlottesville, Virginia area, have small children, or had small children who are now adults, then the name Molly Michie Preschool will not ring a bell. However, for the last four years, the children at this Unitarian Cooperative Preschool, which was founded in 1967, have been a significant part of shopping with their parents and assembling full-day meal packets for the IHS Food Program. The school's present location at 717 Rugby Road will soon be needed for expansion; therefore, by next June 2014, Molly Michie Preschool must find a new home.
What a History!
The Preschool was designed as an outreach for Unitarian-Universalist social and educational values to the community and to meet community need for a semi-structured, multi-racial preschool. It was the first integrated preschool and the first parent cooperative preschool in Charlottesville. In keeping with the Unitarian practice, no effort to proselytize Unitarian theological concepts was intended. Children from all religious orientations have been and are welcome, and their various religious and cultural backgrounds have been and are respected. In 1994 the preschool was incorporated and the legal name became Molly Michie Preschool to meet Commonwealth of Virginia requirements.
Sheila Currier Chroback provided the following for IHS to relate to potential "space holders." Sheila would be delighted to explore all possibilities, but the following are some absolutes for consideration.
She said,
"The Preschool requires at least 35 square feet of indoor space per child and when we are at capacity that means 28 total children plus at least 4 adults. So, the bottom line is that we need a minimum of 1120 square feet to even consider a space. Ideally, we would have two classrooms with one classroom having at least 525 square feet and the other having at least 595 square feet to meet our classroom breakdowns. We also require at least 2 toilets and sinks within close proximity to the classrooms, outdoor space or access to a local playground/park, parking spaces for at least 4 individuals for the duration of the school day, and use of the space for meetings outside of school hours."
The Sooner that New Space can be located ... THE BETTER
IHS friends are invited to contact Sheila and explore. Her email is or phone (434) 327-7121. IHS is pleased to assist in some small way.
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III