Monday, October 27, 2014

A Special Request for One-Time Assistance from a UVA Social Worker

IHS has been given permission to acquaint its friends of a vital one-time opportunity to assist a patient.  IHS has very specific categories of on-going temporary assistance for the underfunded long-distance patients who must come to UVA Medical Center. This type request for a dedicated piece of equipment is an exception; therefore, this appeal is projected for your thoughtful consideration through your contacts as a family, a church, a club, a business, a school, etc.  With certainty the necessary funds to purchase this needed medical monitor can be obtained by casting a very broad net. Cast your net freely and with vigor! Please see my summary after reading the Social Worker request below:

Please read the two notes below from Social Worker KC received in the last two days.

First Note from KC:
"I'm looking for info and resources regarding a patient I'm working with who is in great need for a Dex-Com 64 Platinum glucose continuous monitor.  Long story short, my patient has no income (her disabled kids have SSI), no health insurance.  Comes to UVA for diabetes management and education.  Her diabetes specialist very much wants the patient to have this device.   The company does not have an assistance charity program for this device. Any ideas or recommendations will be most useful.

My patient has an older model but it is not working, parts cannot be replaced.  The company who makes this device tells me it comes in 3 parts:  2 parts are $599 each and third part which are the sensors are $399.  That's about $1,600, it's a chunk of change. I don't think shipping and tax is included. And trying to purchase this used, say on e-bay or Craig's List is too risky; it's also not good health care practice."
Second Note from KC:
"Patient has been trained on her old device and can master the new, upgraded one.  Physician sent me a clarifying e-mail this AM stating it's pretty essential the patient have this. She can monitor her glucose very very carefully with this device; she had it going 24/7.  She is the caregiver for 2 adult disabled children and she needs to be as sharp as she can be at all times.  Nighttime is very worrisome because she has had night-time difficulty with her sugars.  This device has sensors and has a transmitter and receiver built into it.

Disability:  Patient did apply once, but was denied.  She wants to work.  She is trying to get approved by her children's Medicaid to be their Medicaid funded aide; therefore, she would get paid.  So far, she has been denied this, but she is still working this out.  She HAS to drive her two kids daily to Lynchburg (area of residence) for their jobs/workshops; no one else can do this.  So, even IF she could get some local job (and she has looked), she needs to be available to her kids and that is her priority in life. "
Final Comments from IHS:

When a UVA Social Worker calls, this charity will always reach out.  Equipment requests of this nature are unusual, and not within our budget. We supply infant car seats annually to UVA Pediatrics, and over the years we have rented electric breast pumps for uninsured mothers, bought specialized cribs, etc., however, unexpected expensive items require us to offer friends of the hospital an opportunity to reach a little deeper to assist a very difficult situation.

This request can be secured with a group effort:

The objective is $1,600.  All donations will receive a tax deductible letter. A group appeal among your contacts can achieve this objective rather quickly.  Sometimes a group can appeal for $100, singular donors perhaps $25-$50, and before you know it ... less than 50 people can make this gift a reality.  Social Worker KC will provide details for IHS to make a direct purchase for shipment to the patient.

Final Note:  Please make payment to

P.O. Box 163
Palmyra, VA 22963

and indicate that your one-time gift is for "Patient Monitor."  Should this request draw more than the needed amount, your gift will be placed in the IHS Emergency Prescription, Co-Pay and Transportation Fund for indigent and underfunded patients.  Just sharing.

If you should feel strongly and want to help NOW in this unique situation please take advantage of the automatic payment link below to be taken to a secure and encrypted website. From there you can specify that your donation is to "Patient Monitor". As you know, we do not ask lightly for support unless it is truly needed. Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house.  


Thank you so much for this consideration.  
Sincerely ...T. Wade & Elisheva Clegg and Sam McLawhorn -  
Founding Members IHS 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

CVC Kickoff Is This Month!

IHS was invited to speak at UVA Advancement Office
Spring Damron, the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Co-Chair for the University of Virginia Advancement Office at 400 Ray C. Hunt Drive in the Fontaine Research Parks, invited IHS to join one other presenter (Legal Aid Society) on October 1st to introduce what this charity does and how the money received is used. For those friends who are not located in Virginia, or not familiar with CVC, it is the payroll deduction contribution program for state employees. The University of Virginia and Medical Center is a state university.

Terrific Turnout and Reception for Guest Speakers

IHS was introduced to a sizable gathering by Ms. Damron with a showing of the charity's 6-minute promotional video, with follow-up comments from Elisheva Clegg. Ms. Damron said,
"I'm sure my organization isn't aware that you exist, so this will be the perfect opportunity to tell them all about you."
This was the first time in four (4) years as a CVC charity that an Office at the University has invited IHS to introduce itself, and it was indeed an important turning point. Perhaps more offices throughout the campus will extend a similar opportunity in the weeks ahead. The Campaign sign-up runs through December 2014.

This charity is not known by those it serves, but it MUST be  known by more contributors

IHS works to assist underfunded patients and caregivers with temporary immediate needs who must come to UVA Medical Center for treatment. The charity in essence functions as a "silent" charity for those who are being served, since needs are screened and approved and requested by the UVA Medical Center Social Work Office. Therefore, when a patient or caregiver is provided lodging, food, and other assistance in an immediate manner, the recipient only knows that their social worker has reached out to its resources to help with their stay at the Hospital. Remember -  a charity can function in a silent mode with its services, but cannot exist if it is so silent that there are no donors to support its mission.

Special Attention to the CVC kickoff was provided by the Advancement Office Leader

Robert Sweeney, Senior Vice President, for University Advancement, closed the October 1st meeting with some inspirational thoughts for attendees. His remarks on generosity for the least able among us gave added emphasis to the funds which state employees contribute annually.  IHS is a totally Volunteer charity, on call 24/7 to all UVA Social Worker staff; therefore, contributions from the CVC drive annually are a vital part of our funding. Thanks to Mr. Sweeney and Ms. Damron for providing this much needed exposure.

On a final note ...  IHS will attend its first CVC Fair Opportunity later this week

IHS will attend a tabletop display and provide handouts to extend exposure in the offices of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) in Glen Allen, Virginia this Thursday from 9:30 - 12 AM.  This will be the third straight year that IHS has been invited to meet and greet office personnel.

Sincerely ...  T. Wade Clegg III, President, IHS

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fluvanna County Virginia Support Is Growing!

Multiple meetings with churches has been encouraging

Summer contacts with a diversity of religious groups has been very productive. Congregation support generally comes through Mission and Outreach Committees, who are briefed on IHS's efforts to support the underfunded and indigent patients and caregivers who must come to UVA Medical Center from great distances for treatment. Once a Committee or Pastoral staff has details, then the full congregation is exposed for discussions which can lead to both funding assistance and participation in  IHS meal packet program.

An Important Reminder

Effort Baptist Church, Palmyra
UVA Medical Center is a vital provider for residents of Fluvanna County.  There are so many personal ties to the main hospital or UVA satellite clinics.  In fact during every visit to a church or community group someone who is employed by the Medical Center has approached us with a warm greeting. This silent charity's very deliberate exposure is slowly finding enthused participants. A very large contingent of medical professionals reside at Lake Monticello. The IHS storage and meeting office is located at 105 Crofton Place, just outside the Lake community for ease of placement for physical donations such as meal packets. An early call for a meeting or drop-off can be secured with a phone call to (434) 589-4864 or by e-mail to

A Special Note of Thanks to New Fluvanna Friends ... churches, businesses and individuals

Grace & Glory Lutheran, Palmyra
Effort Baptist Church at Highway 53 & Lake Monticello Road. Lisa Himes has served as the prime contact. The church donated $1,000 in June and followed up with a delivery of 50 full-day meal packets in July by medical professional Laurie Brock.

Grace and Glory Lutheran Church along Highway 53 in Palmyra.  Jan Crowther has served as the prime contact. Jan delivered at total of 95 full-day meal packets during July and August.

Donations also arrived from:
The Cagle Family, owners of MAKCO INC.
The Justin Wade Family, Accounting firm in Crofton Place
Michael & Terry Hocevar  at Lake Monticello

A Final Note

As always, the summer months are among the slowest periods for receipt of meal packet production and donations. Help us get into a surge of activity for the final months of 2014.
Access and download the revised Guide for introducing your church, school, club, scout troop, or family to this very valuable program for the least able visitors who must come to our community for medical support. Being hungry must not be an added burden upon arrival.

For your convenience, the direct secure donation website link is provided below. Please feel free to use it for a secure connection to the IHS Donation Fund site for comfortable, private, safe and easy on-line donations.


T. Wade, Elisheva & Sam
   IHS Founding Officers

IHS Email to Friends - July 27, 2014 (Correction)

I will make this short, but we do need your help. Most certainly this note is not for those who are already doing what you can. I know it sounds like a cliché or the same old thing as usual; however, we don't make direct requests with any frequency. Most newsletters are for reporting unmet needs and who is lending a hand. Staying ahead these days is truly challenging.

smiling-blanket-baby.jpg We have a very real need for advance purchase of infant car seats. We've made more purchases this year versus last year at this time. The need to remain ahead when a Pediatric request is called is vital. We must seek to increase quantity purchases, versus a few at a time. Of even more concern has been the steady increase in costs for each unit. For those of you who have babies, you know well what the least expensive car seat can cost, and we do receive significant discounting with quantity purchases.

As to lodging, we informed you that the UVA Hospitality House (HH) had to increase their fees from $1.00 to $10.00/night. It does not take a mathematical wizard to understand that those who did not have one dollar most assuredly do not have $10.00. HH is only a 30 room (60 bed) guest facility for a very large institution. When HH fills (which is frequently), the only alternative which is our responsibility is commercial. Hotel rooms before IHS began were not even a consideration for those we serve. When a social worker cannot establish lodging, the least able among us CAN NOT COME FOR TREATMENT. That is the stark reality, and why this note has such meaning.

Meal Packet Program Items As to the food packages, we are still delivering between 250-300 full-day meal packages per month to the UVA Hospital Social Workers. We are one of the major suppliers of the UVA Hospitality House (HH) with their food needs and other items (laundry powder, paper products, etc.). The difference here is that food prices have increased steadily as well and the amount of people with unmet needs coming to UVA Medical Center has increased. By the way, another unmet need, because of reduced nonprofits who were dedicated to long distant travel, will mean more bus or train or gas cards to serve those who must come to Charlottesville for treatment.

What has NOT increased is availability of grants and donations. We count ourselves so fortunate that Bama Works in CACF and J & E Berkley Foundation have been so consistent. According to the news media, donations to nonprofit organizations are down by at least 35% this year. Even the state payroll deduction program (Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign) for charitable contributions has decreased every year for three straight years. Our sustained growth depends on individuals, groups and church participation and sustained grants from present supporters. Whether once or twice annually, consistency is so important for a never ending need.

Again, we do not ask lightly for support unless it is truly needed. Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.


A Sincere Appeal ...T. Wade, Elisheva & Sam
                                 IHS Founding Officers

Friday, July 18, 2014

Amazon Shopping Can Benefit This Charity ...

A few minutes of your time to read and sign up will do a lot of good in due course

Many large retail firms allow a percent of a sale to be dedicated to a charity or school. It may seem like so little, since we are talking about a half a penny for every dollar, but over the course of a year and a sizable number of purchases, it might mean a commercial hotel room for an indigent family.

Normal Amazon shopping and it costs you nothing!

Earlier this year Amazon introduced a new program called AmazonSmile, which will automatically donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. if you register and select our charity for consideration. It costs you nothing, and it's just like shopping on Amazon normally, but you get to do a world of good to help with the unmet needs in the area for patients and families at UVA Medical Center.

Make it easy: add a bookmark to AmazonSmile,  return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile

Please be aware of the items that are eligible for the donations. These will always be marked as such on each of their product pages. There is a special URL that it is necessary to use in order to be part of the donation program.  You may also want to add a bookmark to AmazonSmile to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. This is the only real catch ... you must start your shopping at (and do not forget you have to update your automatic bookmark if you want to participate in this). Once you are successfully logged into the Smile Program, you will notice the logo, "Amazon Smile" will be located in the upper left corner of your home page on the site.

Note: It is not necessary to have created an annual paid subscription to "Amazon Prime" membership in order to participate. There are no restrictions to anyone making part of their purchase on to go to IHS.

That first visit to AmazonSmile is important to secure the automatic donations

On your first visit to AmazonSmile website, you need to manually enter Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. in the selection box to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. The Amazon system will remember your selection of IHS from now on, and then every eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation of 0.5%.

There are always some limitations, but they are few. READ ON...

Unfortunately, Subscribe-and-Save purchases and renewals don't count. In addition, shopping from the Amazon apps, Kindle, or through affiliate links won't count either. Purchases made using an Amazon Shopping App are not currently eligible for donations. Purchases made from any Kindle E-reader device through the Kindle Store are not eligible for donations. Otherwise, it's just like shopping on Amazon only you get to support IHS without doing anything extra.

Lots of options for shopping and a little time to change a bookmark makes a difference

So, you can now shop on using an internet browser on your desktop or laptop computer, your mobile phone, or your tablet (including any Kindle Fire device), then your AmazonSmile purchases will be eligible for donations. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same. Just a little time to change a bookmark can make such a big difference to so many with so little that really need help with unmet needs.

For other questions that might arise or information on the program, please consult the FAQ page at: At some point many will turn to Amazon for saving on a particular item, especially for holiday gifts, or anytime for a newly released book. Make sure you are into AmazonSmile so your purchases are adding to opportunities for others. 

Finally, if you run into technical problems or challenges setting up your account, please provide a phone number in an email to ATTENTION: Sam McLawhorn. Sam will help you to solve your issues if at all possible via phone. We want this to be a pleasurable experience for everyone who wishes to help.

Blessings ...  ALL of us at IHS

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

J & E Berkley Foundation's Continued Support in 2014!

The J &E Berkley Grant for Spring 2014 so vital to IHS Programs

We received the announcement from Chris Pasmore, Executive Director, J & E Berkley Foundation, that IHS had been selected for a grant of $10,000 at the Foundation meeting on May 7, 2014. This specific grant will allow for about fifty percent of projected annual funding support for IHS lodging, emergency prescriptions and co-pays, and pediatric needs (such as infant car seats). The grant is not used to support the IHS Food Program.

Third Consecutive Year that IHS has received the J&E Berkley Spring Grant

IHS has now received from the Foundation a total of $23,000 over the last three years. This third year assistance comes at a time when commercial lodging and UVA Hospitality House fees have increased, while IHS's obligation to the least able to afford overnight accommodations remains firm.

The Application for the Foundation Grant for 2014 offered this Brief Description
"IHS is the "go to" 24/7 public charity accessed by UVA Medical Center Social Workers for underfunded long distance patients and family members who meet Social Worker criteria for assistance after being screened and approved as eligible. The project for which funds are being sought is for this charity to continue to respond for immediate temporary assistance for lodging, emergency prescriptions, and pediatric assistance by a Social Worker. This on-going work has been and continues to be the reason that people are not sleeping in cars with their children and with nothing to eat when waiting for a next day medical appointment, or monitoring the critical condition of a loved one in the UVA Medical Center. It is also the answer to underfunded patients leaving for a trip home to have a prescribed medication after hours to maintain their well-being, as well as for an indigent parent to have an infant car seat made available so they can legally leave the hospital with an infant child."
IHS is one among many non-profits who benefits from this generous Foundation

The J & E Berkley Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations for programs in Charlottesville and its contiguous central Virginia counties. The foundation, which focuses its funding on the whole community, supports programs that address the prevention of social and environmental problems and improvement of the quality of life.

Thank you Director Chris Pasmore and the Members of the Foundation ... from ALL of US at IHS and the Staff at UVA Medical Center.

Monday, June 2, 2014

UVA Medical Center Department of Surgery Staff produces a full-month's supply of meal packets!

The following article regarding the meal-making project by the Department of Surgery on May 14th was written by Brian Murphy, Lead Editor, Internal Communications, UVA Health Systems Marketing,  and was published internally at UVA Medical Center.  It is being shared for further exposure for all IHS friends.

Surgery Meal-Packet Team: Assembled! 
by Brian Murphy

Dr. Irving Kron, MD, and Dean Nancy Dunlap, MD, PhD, MBA
Many of our patients and families travel great distances to receive their care from us. And some of them need more than medical assistance when they arrive. The Meal Packet Program, from the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, is one tool available to these individuals where they can be provided with a packet containing enough nutritious food to feed one person for one day. The packets are kept and distributed by social workers here at UVA.

The Department of Surgery recently organized a "meal packet" assembly day as a team-building volunteer effort across their department. Together, the team assembled a total of 304 meals for patients in need. "The leadership at the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum told us that the summertime often brings a shortage of donations for the meal packet program," says Sandra Burks, RN, Associate Director, Surgical Therapeutic Advancement Center, "so we are excited that we can help to provide meals for families at UVA who may be in need during this time."

Burks adds:
"One of our goals in Surgery has been to build on our sense of community, and being a part of this meal packing program has been a really great way for folks in different areas to get to know other people whom they might not otherwise encounter every day. The primary goal has been to serve our mutual patients and families - but the bonus of working alongside new friends has been great!"
Marianne Capone, MSW, LCSW, Social Work Manager, says:
"Think of the expense of feeding a family of three or four people over several days while they are here supporting a loved one during a medical crisis. The Meal Packet program is one of the things that we can make available to families and caregivers to ease that burden."
The Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) is an independent, non-religious, all volunteer public charity working to support patients and families who travel to UVA seeking care and who need assistance with basic needs. To learn more about the Meal Packet program or IHS, please visit:

Saturday, May 17, 2014

IHS Volunteer Meal-Makers Made Big Impact over Last Six Weeks

April - May has produced an abundance of groups involved with making full-day meal packets for placement in the UVA Medical Center Social Work Office as needed. What a terrific outpouring as we enter the summer months when most schools, clubs and even church groups will be occupied with vacation adventures.

Read the brief summaries below of these faithful contributors

  Cub Scout Troop 183 in Louisa, VA: 
122 full-day meal packets delivered March 30. Thanks to Coordinator Katrina Duff for leading the way twice annually. The Scouts have been so supportive for the 4th straight year.

Cub Scout Pack 79 in Crozet, VA: 
25 full-day meal packets were made in late March. Cub Scout Master Dave Vance spearheaded the assembly session. Pack 79 is chartered to Crozet United Methodist Church.

Maria Brown's The Children's Garden in Earlysville, VA:
15 full-day meal packets were delivered in late March. This dedicated group of children, known as "The Community Helpers,"  has participated for the last 4 years.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church (TJMC UU) in Charlottesville, VA: 
99 full-day meal packets from the children in grades 1-4 made on April 7. They've become so efficient that all meals were assembled and boxed in 30 minutes. Special thanks to Leia Durland-Jones and Margaret Gorman,  project coordinators.

Western Albemarle High School (WAHS) Key Club in Crozet, VA: 
98 full-day meal packets made on Thursday April 17. Angela Li lead the charge once again for this annual project. Angela indicated that the Key Club joined with members of the University Baptist Church for their project.

University Baptist Church Charlottesville, VA
48 full-day meal packets were made by the Youth Group on Saturday April 19. This was one of their activities during a Pre-Easter Fast. 

Thanks to all the young people who have contributed to the stability of this life-line of meal packets which sustains the least able visitors who come from great distances to UVA Medical Center.  YOU make a difference! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Commonwealth of Virginia (CVC) Monthly Payments Have Begun

Even if not a Virginia State Employee ... this program is important for your knowledge

IHS  received the first CVC check last week from the 2013/2014 campaign. Since the total designations exceeded $2,000, the first check ($720.66) is generally the largest, and the remainder is disbursed monthly. The total CVC contribution to IHS this year is $2,469.80.  There were 22 total contributions:  13 named donors and 9 anonymous. To those 22 people ... thank you so very much.

This first CVC check could not have arrived at a more opportune time.  January 2014 alone was the highest January cost in 5 years for lodging, especially since the room rate for ALL categories has increased to $10/night at UVA Hospitality House, and many of the guests stay for many days or weeks. We had never anticipated a long term assistance nor the increase in nightly rate for the least able to pay, but please know that we are indeed trying to help meet that need, as well as the overflow which requires a commercial hotel room.

The Growth Expected through the CVC Program has not materialized

For your information this was our third year in the CVC program, which is the payroll deduction program for Virginia State employees.  The first year we received $4,000.00 from 20 donors; the second year we received $3,500.00 from 22 donors; and this year we received $2,469.80 from 22 donors. As you can see, there is a diminishing aspect to this trend.  We have traveled to CVC Fairs statewide, but none of those efforts have produced a donor. A CVC Fair is simply a display and discussion area at state agency locations to meet and greet and explain the charity.  And of course there are still no CVC Fairs at University of Virginia facilities. Cross state travel is simply not justified for the lack of return; therefore, we are so dependent on growth from UVA Medical Center donors.

UVA Medical Center Employee Exposure to IHS must come from present friends of IHS

Please make it known to friends and colleagues how vital it is to have participation this coming year. Perhaps it is simply lack of exposure. Exposure comes only from friends who are relating the part we are playing for the least able to be in Charlottesville for critical medical matters. Our budget in 2013 was $37,999.00.

The IHS projected budget for 2014 with lodging doubling, and food costs rising for groups making meal packets and for our supplemental purchases to keep the program fully active for Social Office and kitchen needs at Hospitality House, plus co-pay/ prescriptions and baby program items, such a infant car seats is now revised  to $41,400.00.  The operating expenses, of which four board members pay the largest share is projected similar to last year, namely an additional $7,180.00. As you know, NO ONE IS PAID OR REIMBURSED FOR EXPENSES. The total revised minimum budget projection FOR THIS YEAR is $48,580.00.

Grants are so important, but growth from Private Contributions dictate any chance of growth

As of this writing, only the Bama Works of Dave Matthews Band in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) has consistently provided a dedicated food grant ($10,000) to this charity. This has been their third straight year,  and this grant has been the reason that we were able to be the reliable source for assisting and maintaining assistance with food for UVA Hospitality House. We do anticipate consideration for two other grants for other categories, but there is no assurance when dealing with applications for grants annually. The broad-based needs in this community have increased; therefore,  the grant amounts have been reduced. A reality of life.

A Reminder of why we have become the umbrella for another state hospital

There is a need to mention our support for indigent and underfunded families and children who are being served by the Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents (CCCA) in Staunton, Virginia, the state's only intensive psychiatric hospital for ages 4-17 years of age.
A very clear explanation is offered by accessing the IHS blog posting of December 16, 2013.
Grants are being sought for Staunton nonprofit projects and psychiatric patient assistance  

NO donations or grants which come to IHS in support of those served by the UVA Medical Center are mixed with support of this new CCCA project, which IHS has assumed under our umbrella as  a public charity. It is important that you know that the emphasis for CCCA is directed to the Staunton community, and that grants are solicited solely related for support of CCCA by grant providers in Staunton or for grants related to helping families in need of support when the patient is being treated for psychiatric needs. Also, individuals along the I-81 corridor (from Roanoke, Lexington, Harrisonburg, Woodstock, etc.) in Virginia, with emphasis in Staunton, now have a charity for sending a check designated just to CCCA, and receive a tax deductible letter for tax filing. NO others had previously offered this opportunity.

What is IHS's initial objectives in this first year of assistance for CCCA?

We are hopeful that in the years to come that IHS exposure to CCCA needs will allow the CCCA Community Services and Admissions personnel to buy food cards, gas cards and secure lodging for those underfunded families and caregivers who must travel to Staunton, always with children in emergency treatment situations. Also -  and perhaps you did not know, the CCCA in Staunton is where Charlottesville, VA children with emergency psychiatric needs are taken.  Quite frankly, we could not say no to the request from the hospital to assist. Based on needs projected by the Community Services Director, the budget for just the needs stated above is about $25,000.  It will be a challenge ... but what's not a challenge when there is so much to be done.

A Final Note for your very important consideration

If at any time you would like to know some areas where you can assist ... simply askSend an e-mail!  I have some very pointed ideas. We could use more people assisting with fulfilling some very consistent needs, not the least is speaking to your friends, your club, your church, any school or business affiliations. Group efforts can make big things happen.  Remember - the people being served by this charity are from every area of Virginia. These are truly everyone's neighbors.

Sincerely .....  T. Wade & Elisheva Clegg III and Sam McLawhorn
                       Founding Members Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Video for the Ages!

Well - perhaps that's a bit overstated; however, it is certainly worth sharing

One often worries about seeking to provide a concise informative presentation in such a confined number of minutes; but, this 6 minutes 15 seconds of video linked herein is that effort. We believe it can and will offer another opportunity for sharing an important effort (make that vital effort!) to sustain a program that makes a difference for the least able who are being assisted daily when they arrive in Charlottesville, VA for treatment at UVA Medical Center.

IHS Promotional Video
Thanks to all involved

Stacia Harris, Allora Productions in Charlottesville, VA spent weeks in setting up and scheduling and shooting scenes and doing interviews. Stacia received marvelous cooperation from UVA Medical Center Office of Information and Office of Social Work. Several Hospital staff members offered comments which are captured in the production. And the Unity Church who was making full-day meal packets at the time of shooting allowed us to tape their assembly session and two of the girls and their sponsor offered their appreciation for a chance to give to the IHS program. So - thanks to everyone on camera and behind the camera who helped out. 

Your comments and further exposure of this video can make such a difference. Now - access the link and enjoy.

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III , Elisheva Clegg & Sam McLawhorn
                      Founding Members Interfaith Humaniarian Sanctum, Inc.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Meal-Making Groups ... Your Participation is So Important!

Last month the UVA Department of Anesthesiology was the first large hospital office to organize and produce full-day meal packets. Details on that successful project are provided on the IHS blog site posting of March 3, 2014. The Department took advantage of the program which allows University employees sixteen (16) hours annually for community service. Guess where they devoted their time?

Spring is sprung ... and old friends are invigorated

 Three (3) steadfast friends of the charity are planning meal-making sessions later this month. Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist in Charlottesville, VA; Louisa, VA  Scout Pack 183; and The Children's Garden of Earlysville, VA have been partners in this food program for the last three years.  A new participant, which has indicated that they wish to be a "repeat provider" is Unity Church in Charlottesville.  Read on ...

The Uniteens of Unity of Charlottesville engaged in a labor of love

A note from Gina Leah, Unity Church Coordinator

"The Uniteens are a group of middle school students who attend Unity and gather as a group twice a month to learn and share spiritually. As part of a first-ever service project sleep-over event, seven of our teens joined together to assemble meal packets for Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS). With financial assistance from the congregation and ministers at Unity of Charlottesville - Reverend Don Lansky and Reverend Patricia Gulino Lansky - and shopping help provided by Youth Minister Kate Adamson, the Uniteens were able to purchase enough products for 24 healthy full-day meals.

The enthusiasm shown by these young people was delightful! To make things 'flow', they lined up in a circle and began playing the beat to "The Cup Song", filling up gallon zipper bags with everything from plastic-ware and paper bowls to healthy snacks, breakfast, and lunch and dinner items. Their joy and enthusiasm was contagious! As a special treat for their efforts, the teens were joined by Reverend Don Lansky - who treated them to dinner!

After everything was cleaned up and we were ready to settle down for the evening, I asked them if they enjoyed this labor of love, and their overall thoughts. Each of them enjoyed the packing, but enjoyed even more the feeling that they were doing something important to help people in the Virginia community. When I asked them if they'd like to do this again, the answer was a resounding YES! One young lady asked if we could do this next month!

Two members of the Uniteens spoke to our congregation the next day about their experience and how wonderful they felt being able to be of service.  What an amazing group of young people! I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with them. We thank IHS for the opportunity to express the Unity teaching of putting our love into action in the world!

                                                     Blessings ... Gina Leah
Become involved in this on-going food program ... making meals or providing funds

Just visit the link herein, and read about the food program. Download and share the GUIDE for making these special meals for underfunded caregivers and outpatients who come to Charlottesville for treatment at UVA Medical Center.  These generous acts by small and large groups throughout central Virginia make a cumulative difference for so many who simply would not eat without this program.  If you need more ideas ... e-mail us at

                                                                                 Sincerely ...   T. Wade Clegg III, IHS

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Personal Call to Arms

Am I taking liberties to get your attention? ABSOLUTELY  YES!  My understanding of a militia is a fighting force composed of nonprofessional fighters called upon to enter a combat situation. Consider this charity (IHS) a  fighting force, not in need of replacements, but a few more units to engage and capture new ground. And that is the objective when an underfunded patient or caregiver arrives at UVA Medical Center ... to feel firmly welcomed and comforted, able to take a breath, begin to think clearly for planning next steps ... and begin the process of navigating either self or another back to health.  Allow me to pose this question:  When was the last time you had to deal with a critical illness or injury away from home, and found yourself without a place to sleep and nothing to eat?  Join the fighters to make sure it never happens during our watch. 

The IHS fight began five and a half years ago.

The mission was and remains a sustained battle to meet a variety of situations we named "unmet needs" for those outpatients and caregivers of patients who struggle to balance basic necessities a long way from home. The treatment may be free, the professional medical staff among the best,  but without funds for travel, lodging, food, medical co-pays - critical decisions must be made ... TO COME OR NOT!

What if an underfunded person arrives and circumstances dictate a change of plans?

Now we are talking about being caught in an exceptional dilemma.  The UVA Hospitality is full,
or the policy for staying in the Hospitality House does not allow for a child under 18 to stay, and there was no one at home base to assist, so the child is with the patient. And ...  the transportation which brought the patient has gone, or the only transport to get to Charlottesville arrived late at night, and a patient and child are stranded. Now - add to those frustrating situations the fact that a doctor has seen the patient upon arrival and found something very nasty is happening, so the patient is asked to stay over for tests, maybe for several days. Yes - this is a lot to take in, but patients arrive daily who are not prepared for these critically unexpected situations.  The next question of course, until a doctor indicates that one can be healed or that life is about to end, is WHERE DO I SLEEP, EAT, AND SIMPLY MAINTAIN DURING THIS HIGH PERIOD OF ANXIETY?

The Battlefield can seem really bleak when an individual has no ammunition to maintain

IHS has eliminated so many conditions by becoming a "go to" 24/7 independent charity for all UVA hospital social workers to access for temporary emergency situations as described above. Patients are screened and approved by social workers, and when needed,  IHS pays for lodging (commercial and Hospitality House); provides up to 300 full-day meal packets monthly through social staff;  and provides food on request to Hospitality House. Of course the other unmet needs have been mentioned, but lodging and food remain the most prominent immediate concerns.  No one is confronted with having to sleep on a bench inside or outside UVA Medical Center, or inside their car on a side street, or stay hungry. Those situations are now rare ... thanks to a dedicated volunteer squad working closely with social workers.

We need new recruits (that would hopefully be YOU)  to fortify some very real challenges

The UVA Hospitality House (HH) changed its policy as of last month for the lowest pay range (indigent) guests from $1/night to $10/night for ALL guests.  This change was felt  immediately as presenting a significant challenge for us. Remember - our initial objective was to assist with immediate " temporary commercial lodging assistance"  for a few days only when HH was fully occupied or HH policy prevented use of Hospitality House.

A Reality Check of what this change NOW means

IHS has paid for underfunded guests at Hospitality House with a desperate need for as little as $1/night over the last few years.  The longer staying guests who paid only $1/night rate were almost always cancer outpatients here for extended chemotherapy from 4-8 weeks; therefore, what has been a fee from $28 - $56 will jump to $280 for the first 14 days, and then $5/night for the remaining treatment days. In other words, a singular patient's 8 week fee could range from $350 - $490.  You can see how a few extended long-term stays for chemo outpatients and a scattering of guests who only stay for a few days can easily exceed our commercial lodging cost monthly. In essence this new change will increase our need for lodging funds 100%.

Some Dedicated Friends have suggested that we must seek new soldiers in this fight

The question is:  Are you willing to help us with this idea?  Are you willing to lead an effort to dedicate as little as $10/monthly and ask 10 others to consider your lead.  Reach out to members of your family, neighbors, co-workers, church members, club members, etc. to join you in dedication of $10/monthly.  ACTUALLY ASK 10 OTHERS TO CONSIDER JOINING YOU.  Each one who joins the fight, even if only $5/monthly, will likely become a permanent soldier.

We are prepared to support you and introduce what IHS does

You have already been introduced to IHS through our website and blog postings. Once this website is read by others, our objectives are abundantly clear.  It is so  important for contacts to understand that this is an ALL volunteer public charity (NO ONE is paid) and funds are fully used to meet the unmet needs of the least able to sustain while in Charlottesville for treatment.

It's so easy to reach out and discuss generosity which affects the lives of so many

We know that people want to be asked to make a difference. We know that people want to be assured that their giving is going exactly where it is intended. We need for you to bring this awareness to your sphere of influence.  If you can do this ... we will sustain and continue to put our hearts, our time, our feet forward to secure this program which is so vital for so many.

Upon accessing our website home page, the easiest way to become a singular or consistent contributor with a small monthly donation, the PayPal opportunity is available. Please let us know you have read this e-mail and offer comments or suggestions. 

Sincerely ... from ALL of us on the front lines daily.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

One Smooth Operation in a Large Hospital Office

Last week IHS received a call from Lynn Heath at the UVA Department of Anesthesiology, located in the old hospital building within the UVA Health System complex in downtown Charlottesville. She simply called and said, "I have full-day meals ready for pickup." We had no idea that this project was even in the works, but we were truly delighted and immediately arranged for retrieval.

I asked Lynn to share this experience with readers of this e-mail and then for placement on our charity blog site. This is the FIRST time that a large hospital office had planned, collected and produced full-day meal packets ... used their community service hours available for supporting a charity ... and it seemed appropriate to share how it came about ... hoping to stimulate other office participation.

A Note from Lynn T. Heath, Executive Assistant to George F. Rich, Chair
Department of Anesthesiology .... Our department selected IHS for holiday charity.
"On most days, things are pretty quiet in the Department of Anesthesiology administrative offices at the University of Virginia. And then there was February 21, when ten staffers worked together to assemble 72 meal packets, each package containing enough food to last one person for a full day. We also included a handmade greeting card as a personal touch. A fun change of pace for a worthwhile cause, and easy enough for any office to pull off.

The need is great in our community, and this project was our small way to address it. We are grateful for the financial stability our jobs (and benefits) create and our ability to reach out to others less fortunate. As administrative employees of the department, we have little direct contact with patients. We hope that our support of outpatients and their families adds to their healing in some small way.

Our project was inspired by holiday giving.  We traditionally take donations for holiday presents for our bosses, and last year, our administrator suggested we contribute to a charity instead of on his behalf.  One of the staff members nominated IHS because of the caring connection to our patients. It was too late to complete the project before the holiday break, and weather delays and staff travel pushed it into February. BUT ... any day is a great day to do this!

What's needed?  IHS makes it easy with clear and comprehensive instructions and hints for shopping and assembly. One staff member volunteered to check prices and planned our purchases. Another collected donations. A third brought in art supplies. Savvy shopping stretched our dollars to fund almost twice the meal packets we had originally planned.

This was a strictly voluntary effort. No departmental money or supplies were used, and there was no pressure - just an invitation! - to participate. When the time came, a few employees were unable to join in because of work commitments, but ten turned out to be a great number for a working team. We naturally divided into different roles: some people opened cartons, others sorted and packed meal bags, others broke down the empty boxes for recycling. We had artists who gave special attention to each card, and people who felt shy about even signing them, but it all worked out. Since several people who had donated money were not able to be present when we stuffed the bag, we included them by signing cards with their names.

AND we used our community service time. It only took us an hour from start to finish to assemble our meal packets and make cards, and our department administrators were happy to allow us the time. The majority of the time went into shopping and transporting all that food, a task that could be divided among several people.  As University employees, we are given 16 hours to spend in "Community Service" activities, so it's easy for any department to do something similar. It's a project that can work with almost any amount of money or time available, since it's easily scaled to the resources at hand."  

                                                                                       Sincerely ... Lynn

Friday, February 14, 2014

Radio Interview Captured for IHS Friends

Air Time Exposure is a Precious Commodity ... Please Listen and Share

We were gratified to have been invited to communicate with a radio audience on January 10, 2014  in the Charlottesville, VA area.  Actually, there were two interview programs hosted by Broadcaster Marcello Rollando: "The Reasonable Voice, Blog Talk Radio (TRV-BTR)" and "Charlottesville This Week (CTW)" were pre-recorded the days before airing.  Only  "The Reasonable Voice"  interview is provided herein.  The interviews were similar, but in an effort to recognize so many who have assisted this charity, some groups may be missing from one interview and not the other; therefore,  those who heard the CTW did not hear all that was related on TRV.  Please  listen as time allows, get to know us and what we are seeking to accomplish with  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum.

A Little Background Regarding the Radio Host and his programs

Marcello Rollando is a Political/Speech Writer, Public Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host/News Anchor/Producer for Monticello Media and a Media/Communications/Theatre Director. TRV BTR is the Blog Talk Radio show that hosts discussions, panels and interviews with other reasonable voices. It is prerecorded by phone. It can be 30-40 minutes. The primary goal is to introduce to Central Virginia guests who love and are making contributions to Virginia, if not Charlottesville.  (703) 627-6687 (cell) PO BOX  6099 Charlottesville, VA 22906.

"Charlottesville This Week (CTW)" is the Monticello Media radio talk show that airs Sunday mornings. It is pre-recorded by phone on Thursdays beginning at 11:30 am. The Mission of CTW is to enlighten our audience with national and international issues that directly impact Virginia citizens where they live: neighborhoods, businesses, schools, both stage & movie theaters and of course, ballot boxes and personal human rights.  It is an effort to reveal national issues with beneficial connection to Virginia, as well as Charlottesville, while giving Charlottesville's presence a national reach.

Here is the recording in two parts:
Radio Broadcasting
Healing Reverence - Part 1

Healing Reverence - Part II

News broadcasts are aired on WCHV 107.5 FM  and 1260 AM.  Charlottesville This Week airs on different Monticello Media stations between 5-8:30am Sundays. CTW runs on WCYK from 5:20-5:40am runs from 6:20-6:40am Sunday on WZGN and WCYK.   Here is the URL for the new WCHV website,,   which in addition to Sunday morning shows/broadcasts, now has downloadable podcasts by the Tuesday after CTW shows air.

As a friend of IHS never neglect an opportunity to say THANKS to those who allow us such positive exposure. In this case the person who should be thanked is Marcello Rollando at e-mail

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Quick Review of Meal-Making Groups in 2013

Not to be forgotten - Boy Scout Troop 36 in Charlottesville, VA - December Delivery

Boy Scout Troop 36 made 48 full-day meal packets for IHS as their service project during their December 2013 lock-in which was held at the First United Methodist Church in Charlottesville. Twelve (12) scouts and leaders spent the night, also competing in broomball, completing merit badge requirements, and hosting Cub Scouts in an open house.

Troop 36 meets Mondays at 7 PM at the First Methodist Church. For more information on Troop 36 contact Don Kimpel at A Special thanks for their  annual holiday donation. Assistant Scout Master, Don Kimpel, also delivered 50 meal packets in December 2012.

Looking back at ALL those who held special assembly sessions for meal-making in 2013
  • Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist, Charlottesville, VA(TJMC UU is the anchor church since 2010; meals made by children's Sunday School classes)
  • The Margaret and Michael Gorman family of Ivy, VA
  • University Scouts at UVA (Venture Crew 1819)
  • The Rachel Thielmann family of Charlottesville, VA
  • Mollie Michie Pre-School in Charlottesville, VA
  • Cub Scout Pack 79, United Methodist Church in Crozet, VA
  • Cub Scout Pack 183 and Troop 3, Louisa, VA
  • Children's Garden Pre-school, Earlysville, VA
  • The Enrichment Alliance of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
  • Key Clubs of Charlottesville, VA
  • The Elaine Cheng Family of Charlottesville, VA
  • LDS Church (Second Ward Youth Group), Charlottesville, VA
  • The Dawn Cleveland Family of Ivy, VA
  • Olivet Presbyterian Church Kids Connection, Charlottesville, VA.
Special Notice for food donations and funds for UVA Hospitality House food purchases
  • Antioch Baptist Church, Scottsville, VA
  • Whole Foods Market, Charlottesville, VA
  • Hot Cakes Restaurant, Charlottesville, VA
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  All recipients of this e-mail, or who read this note as a blog posting are invited to involve your family, church, children's organizations, and schools in this valuable food program for outpatients and caregivers who simply do not have funds to support themselves while visiting UVA Medical Center. Read about the program and the part you can play. February and March participation for making full-day meal packets is needed NOW..

Sincerely ....  T. Wade Clegg III

Monday, January 13, 2014

Their Music is Great ... Their Generosity THE Sweetest!

We received another wonderful boost for the IHS Food Program with a late December grant from the Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF).  A check for $10,000 arrived in the mail in late December. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) is one of sixty-one (61) organizations receiving $400,700 in grant awards in this last cycle.

Feeling so very thankful

The Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band in CACF has supported our requests consistently for three (3) straight years. This represents a total of $28,000! With this latest dedicated grant to supplement the food requests for UVA Hospitality House (HH) and for purchases of food for meal-making of full-day meal packets used inside the hospital by social staff for underfunded outpatients and their caregivers, there will be stability in IHS food budget for 2014.

This grant has a tremendous impact on two distinctive food programs

For the Full-day Meal Packets accessed by Social Workers in the Hospital ...

The benchmark continues to be about 2,500 meal packets annually at UVA. That could jump up to 3,000 meal packets quickly. The balance of needing grant money for keeping the supply ready for twice monthly deliveries (200-250 packets monthly) depends on the number of community groups, such as scouts, church classes and congregations, schools, clubs and families, who are making meal packets. 2,500 packets doesn't sound like a large quantity, until you realize that each packet contains about six dollars in food for a full day of nutrition. Therefore, this minimum of 2,500 has an investment value of $15,000. In the year 2013 the community groups bought and made 1,311 packets. This represented $7,866.

For the UVA Hospitality House (HH) this charity is the most reliable provider of food ...

The Manager of HH e-mails a list of needed items twice monthly, about half of which are perishable. Therefore, actual funds are needed to shop and deliver within hours of a purchase. For the last three months of 2013, the average monthly purchase was $380. Some months the purchase can be about $550.  The expectation for 2014 is for no less than $6,000 for HH. Hopefully in 2014 more groups who wish to supplement HH needs for non-perishable items can call or e-mail and ask what is needed.  Remember - at any one time those 30 HH rooms can be filled with a large number of guests who simply cannot afford to visit nearby restaurants.

To the Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band Committee ... Thank you for allowing this core group of volunteers that cushion of funds to feed the least able visitors to our community.
Sincerely ... All of IHS,  the UVA Social Staff and UVA Hospitality House staff    

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Case in Point: Why This Charity Still Makes a Difference

Time: 2 AM on a Monday. Call from overnight Social Worker that child arrived with a mother accompanied by her parents, low on funds, long distance travel, surgery now scheduled later in morning. Following conversation with Social Worker, room was immediately booked for family in a local hotel.  

Note from Social Worker by e-mail:    
"Thanks much! The parents looked exhausted. I feel much better that they are not driving. They were very appreciative."
Sometimes our week begins very early, as noted above. Emergency arrivals can't wait for normal hours. Your support as a friend of IHS makes it possible for a UVA Medical Center Social Worker to call the only 24/7 responder for immediate assistance.   Just sharing.

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III