Friday, April 25, 2014

Commonwealth of Virginia (CVC) Monthly Payments Have Begun

Even if not a Virginia State Employee ... this program is important for your knowledge

IHS  received the first CVC check last week from the 2013/2014 campaign. Since the total designations exceeded $2,000, the first check ($720.66) is generally the largest, and the remainder is disbursed monthly. The total CVC contribution to IHS this year is $2,469.80.  There were 22 total contributions:  13 named donors and 9 anonymous. To those 22 people ... thank you so very much.

This first CVC check could not have arrived at a more opportune time.  January 2014 alone was the highest January cost in 5 years for lodging, especially since the room rate for ALL categories has increased to $10/night at UVA Hospitality House, and many of the guests stay for many days or weeks. We had never anticipated a long term assistance nor the increase in nightly rate for the least able to pay, but please know that we are indeed trying to help meet that need, as well as the overflow which requires a commercial hotel room.

The Growth Expected through the CVC Program has not materialized

For your information this was our third year in the CVC program, which is the payroll deduction program for Virginia State employees.  The first year we received $4,000.00 from 20 donors; the second year we received $3,500.00 from 22 donors; and this year we received $2,469.80 from 22 donors. As you can see, there is a diminishing aspect to this trend.  We have traveled to CVC Fairs statewide, but none of those efforts have produced a donor. A CVC Fair is simply a display and discussion area at state agency locations to meet and greet and explain the charity.  And of course there are still no CVC Fairs at University of Virginia facilities. Cross state travel is simply not justified for the lack of return; therefore, we are so dependent on growth from UVA Medical Center donors.

UVA Medical Center Employee Exposure to IHS must come from present friends of IHS

Please make it known to friends and colleagues how vital it is to have participation this coming year. Perhaps it is simply lack of exposure. Exposure comes only from friends who are relating the part we are playing for the least able to be in Charlottesville for critical medical matters. Our budget in 2013 was $37,999.00.

The IHS projected budget for 2014 with lodging doubling, and food costs rising for groups making meal packets and for our supplemental purchases to keep the program fully active for Social Office and kitchen needs at Hospitality House, plus co-pay/ prescriptions and baby program items, such a infant car seats is now revised  to $41,400.00.  The operating expenses, of which four board members pay the largest share is projected similar to last year, namely an additional $7,180.00. As you know, NO ONE IS PAID OR REIMBURSED FOR EXPENSES. The total revised minimum budget projection FOR THIS YEAR is $48,580.00.

Grants are so important, but growth from Private Contributions dictate any chance of growth

As of this writing, only the Bama Works of Dave Matthews Band in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) has consistently provided a dedicated food grant ($10,000) to this charity. This has been their third straight year,  and this grant has been the reason that we were able to be the reliable source for assisting and maintaining assistance with food for UVA Hospitality House. We do anticipate consideration for two other grants for other categories, but there is no assurance when dealing with applications for grants annually. The broad-based needs in this community have increased; therefore,  the grant amounts have been reduced. A reality of life.

A Reminder of why we have become the umbrella for another state hospital

There is a need to mention our support for indigent and underfunded families and children who are being served by the Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents (CCCA) in Staunton, Virginia, the state's only intensive psychiatric hospital for ages 4-17 years of age.
A very clear explanation is offered by accessing the IHS blog posting of December 16, 2013.
Grants are being sought for Staunton nonprofit projects and psychiatric patient assistance  

NO donations or grants which come to IHS in support of those served by the UVA Medical Center are mixed with support of this new CCCA project, which IHS has assumed under our umbrella as  a public charity. It is important that you know that the emphasis for CCCA is directed to the Staunton community, and that grants are solicited solely related for support of CCCA by grant providers in Staunton or for grants related to helping families in need of support when the patient is being treated for psychiatric needs. Also, individuals along the I-81 corridor (from Roanoke, Lexington, Harrisonburg, Woodstock, etc.) in Virginia, with emphasis in Staunton, now have a charity for sending a check designated just to CCCA, and receive a tax deductible letter for tax filing. NO others had previously offered this opportunity.

What is IHS's initial objectives in this first year of assistance for CCCA?

We are hopeful that in the years to come that IHS exposure to CCCA needs will allow the CCCA Community Services and Admissions personnel to buy food cards, gas cards and secure lodging for those underfunded families and caregivers who must travel to Staunton, always with children in emergency treatment situations. Also -  and perhaps you did not know, the CCCA in Staunton is where Charlottesville, VA children with emergency psychiatric needs are taken.  Quite frankly, we could not say no to the request from the hospital to assist. Based on needs projected by the Community Services Director, the budget for just the needs stated above is about $25,000.  It will be a challenge ... but what's not a challenge when there is so much to be done.

A Final Note for your very important consideration

If at any time you would like to know some areas where you can assist ... simply askSend an e-mail!  I have some very pointed ideas. We could use more people assisting with fulfilling some very consistent needs, not the least is speaking to your friends, your club, your church, any school or business affiliations. Group efforts can make big things happen.  Remember - the people being served by this charity are from every area of Virginia. These are truly everyone's neighbors.

Sincerely .....  T. Wade & Elisheva Clegg III and Sam McLawhorn
                       Founding Members Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Video for the Ages!

Well - perhaps that's a bit overstated; however, it is certainly worth sharing

One often worries about seeking to provide a concise informative presentation in such a confined number of minutes; but, this 6 minutes 15 seconds of video linked herein is that effort. We believe it can and will offer another opportunity for sharing an important effort (make that vital effort!) to sustain a program that makes a difference for the least able who are being assisted daily when they arrive in Charlottesville, VA for treatment at UVA Medical Center.

IHS Promotional Video
Thanks to all involved

Stacia Harris, Allora Productions in Charlottesville, VA spent weeks in setting up and scheduling and shooting scenes and doing interviews. Stacia received marvelous cooperation from UVA Medical Center Office of Information and Office of Social Work. Several Hospital staff members offered comments which are captured in the production. And the Unity Church who was making full-day meal packets at the time of shooting allowed us to tape their assembly session and two of the girls and their sponsor offered their appreciation for a chance to give to the IHS program. So - thanks to everyone on camera and behind the camera who helped out. 

Your comments and further exposure of this video can make such a difference. Now - access the link and enjoy.

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III , Elisheva Clegg & Sam McLawhorn
                      Founding Members Interfaith Humaniarian Sanctum, Inc.