To all the friends of this charity for your kindness, your deeply meaningful calls, notes, e-mails and charitable gifts for the last eleven months. I can only hope that I responded adequately to each of you either individually or as a group; however, so much of the last year I tended toward isolation, except for the absolute needs from University of Virginia (UVA) Medical Center Social Workers and the UVA Hospitality House to secure lodging, food, prescriptions and infant car seats for the underfunded patients and their caregivers. To all of you who participated in the giving either once or several times this last year, it was and is THE GIVING that has allowed me to live with this eternal separation from my Elisheva.
Thank You for giving so that hundreds of people can come annually to Charlottesville, Virginia for medical treatment without adequate funds to balance their most basic needs while in a strange community, often hundreds of miles from home. I am so often shocked back into the reality of everyday family grieving when a Social Worker ends a phone conversation of a desperate situation and says, " Thank you for all that you do for us." When I place the receiver of my phone back into its place after learning of a particularly sad circumstance, I remember Elisheva's question for me in 2008 when she had witnessed a family sleeping in a car in the hospital garage and she asked,
"What are we doing with the rest of our lives?"
She already knew the answer. When she died in the UVA Hospital on April 6, 2016, almost nine years later, several thousand of the least able among us had experienced her touch ........ and I smile.
Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house.
Love ... T. Wade Clegg III and for Sam McLawhorn