We have a rather urgent need for contributions for lodging funds at this writing. Presently we have only twenty (20) contributors, of whom many are making a dedicated monthly donation from $25-$100. Elisheva and I are included in this rather small base, as the largest contributor with our personal on-going allowance to couples to make a donation for a tax deduction as part of their wedding fee. We are even offering for some couples and their families an opportunity for a slightly increased ministerial fee, at least once monthly, which can allow for a total tax deduction for our ministerial service, but regretfully we can not provide that opportunity for every wedding.
During July 2009 IHS paid for 12 nights in commercial hotels and 17 nights at UVA Hospitality House. For August to date we owe for 12 nights in commercial hotels and 2 nights in UVA Hospitality House. These are the slow months.
During this period we diverted funds ($1000) to make sure we could make the Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic contribution to satisfy narcotic medication needs for the July clinic at the Wise, VA Fairgrounds. There were 240 UVA Medical Center volunteers devoted to this event, and they served over 2,700 people who have no other source for being diagnosed for medical and dental necessities. Many of the follow-ups from that annual outdoor setting will be scheduled over the months ahead for Charlottesville and hotel rooms will be needed as hospitality house becomes fully occupied.
The time is also near for adding funds to the co-pay and transit assistance funds in the next month. If possible, your consideration of a small consistent monthly contribution of $10, $20, even more, would most certainly assist. We will continue to innovate and promote funding ideas, but we are indeed dependent on those friends who know us well, and our objectives on behalf of the UVA Medical Center patients and families who come from great distances under difficult circumstances.
Note: You may have received an earlier e-mail as one of the core friends of Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg about a new social networking idea. Forgive us for the repetition in that case, but it is such a worthwhile opportunity.
We have discovered a marvelous opportunity which allows for your personal involvement in promoting our charity. A new organizational website called "Your Cause.com" allows you to create your own "cause" page which becomes a tool to send to others whom you feel might be interested in supporting IHS with a tax deductible contribution. From your short time to create this simple page, IHS can gain exposure to so many others through today's social networking system. In essence we are asking you to create a small testimonial as to why you believe in and support this charity. By forwarding your personal page to your friends, you are leaving it up to them whether they wish to participate or not. But, your personal touch leads to a validation no one else can supply.
The very simple instructions follow:
Here are the step-by-step instructions:
Go to http://www.yourcause.com/ and in the SEARCH box at the right type "Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum" and press enter ...
- On the "SIGN UP NOW" page that shows ... click on the charity "Start Your Cause for This Charity" button next to the IHS logo at the bottom of the page.
- Then on the "SIGN UP PAGE" create a new membership for yourself and then follow the instructions to create your page.
- If you need assistance, then feel free to call Sam McLawhorn directly at 434.589.6363 at home - or email him directly at vasammc@comcast.net. He will be more than willing to help you with any problems you might encounter.
Here is Sam's personal YourCause page as a guide. The most important thing to remember is to create the "Description of Your Charity" and "Mission Statement" to reflect YOUR personal ideas and thoughts about what we are doing in regards to IHS. Click below now:
Once you have created your page, then here are some tips to help us with acquiring donations for IHS. Through your generous time creating a page, your time to propogate through your address book either through email, facebook or twitter - donations to your site will accrue directly and be deposited directly into the IHS account. This new and exciting way to acquire contributions will lead to a successful charity and at the same time help so many who need compassion, love and help.
Here are some helpful tips:
Email your Cause link (created when you compose your account), creating awareness toward your campaign.
Promote your Cause on social networking sites, informing others of your goals.
Sit back, relax, and know how much you have contributed to make life better on this planet :-) ....
For those individuals who would like to see our IRS Tax Exempt status, we can refer them to the home page of our website (http://www.
Elisheva & T. Wade
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