The kids from St. Jude and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Louisa, Virginia gathered on June 17th for a combined youth group effort for IHS. As a result, and thanks to Tina Schweikart, Karin Sewell and Missy Bishop (youth pastor) for organizing the activity, the youth group produced 47 full day meal packets and 14 breakfast meal packets.
Combined Youth Group takes a break after packing meals |
Teresa Bevins, clinical social worker, and coordinator in the Pediatric Clinic for the IHS Meal Program, had just realized that this past week there was a run on meal packets due to increased traffic throughout the Medical Center. She was down to just three(3) full day meals when delivery was made on June 23rd.
The Louisa Youth Group supplies were combined with previous work parties in June for a total delivery of 124 full day gallon size ziplock meal packets. The combined breakfast and single meal packets delivered to UVA Hospitality House's Mary Jackson on Wednesday came to 24 meals, plus a box of 36 snack packs for patient and family occupants.
Did you see that notice about the need for infant clothes in the last e-mail?
Guess what? Tina Schweikart did, and met our immediate need within days.
Tina works for the Paul Stefan Foundation, which provides transitional housing for expectant mothers and their babies.
"I checked in at work today, and we have a large number of baby blankets and baby girl clothing. We wanted to share with you thanks to the abundance provided by our wonderful followers. We had a run of baby boy births for the past year. Most everything is brand new, but a few items that are used are in very nice shape."What a delight to receive these clothes and accessories for the infants who arrive and sometimes leave the UVA Medical Center Pediatric Clinic with so very little. Tina also brought some of most gorgeous baby blankets we've received. It was like a treasure trove.
By the time you read this note, all items will have been distributed for immediate use in the hospital. Thanks to Tina and all those generous folks who are devoted to mothers and their infants at the Paul Stefan Foundation. The receipt of those items will allow for a lot of infants to go home with much, much more than when they arrived for treatment.
Never be afraid to give even a little
Too often friends of the charity will hesitate when they are waiting to consider a larger donation. What would really help us get up caught up with bills to hotels for lodging would be just $5-$10 monthly. If just that amount could be considered monthly, we could tackle the increasing hotel expenses.
Find one of those canisters for display in the kitchen area, and put a little sign on it which says,
"These coins will be my gift to make sure that no kids sleep in cars with their hungry family while their loved ones are being served at Virginia's premier medical center."That's what Colonel Ed Fishpaw did this last year. Colonel Ed lives in Manassas, Virginia, and comes to the UVA Medical Center as necessary. He turned his collection of coins into the bank and sent us a check for $357.00. It is amazing what a few coins a day can do.
For two years we have kept our promise to the kids and their families. A little help is always appreciated.
Blessings ... T. Wade Clegg III
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