Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Valued Radio Time

On Monday morning July 25th, Margaret Gorman's mother called her at 6:40 AM to let her know that she (Margaret) had just missed the airing of an excellent feature on local radio about Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum's Meal Packet Program.

Then later that morning we all received calls from several UVA Medical Center social workers and staff who also heard the 3.5 minute feature while driving to work.  Only the early risers hear the really good stuff!

Those friends who receive our twice monthly e-mails, which are converted to the IHS blog site for retention for return and review or "listen," will remember several weeks ago when there was a meal packet work party in Ivy area of Charlottesville. That event which had about 19 volunteers assembling full day meal packets was graciously attended by Sandy Hausman, Charlottesville Station Manager  of WVFT /Radio IQ. Sandy took a large part of June 11th, a Saturday,  and spent time speaking and recording participants at the IHS work party. Then she put together this really informative feature for airing on morning drive on the morning of July 25th.

Regretfully, I am never alert for driving most mornings, and therefore not likely to hear much morning radio;  however, thanks to the miracle of "podcasts," this interview is retained for further sharing. We have retained it for you to hear below, but it is also saved on Click on News and Public Affairs, then scroll down to the story and click and LISTEN.

Please take three and a half minutes of your day or night and listen to the wonderful opportunity which Sandy Hausman has put together for sharing IHS efforts to feed patients and caregivers who come to the UVA Medical Center from great distances and too often are without funds for food.

Now turn up the sound on your computer and enjoy:

Radio Broadcasting
WVFT Radio Broadcast on IHS

Late Notice from Teresa Bevins, Pediatric Clinic UVA Medical Center

Teresa called at 3 PM August 1st...Social Work office cupboard has only 5 meals remaining. Last delivery was July 22 with 100 full day meal packets, so there is indeed a consistent need for supply. We will deliver today.

 A Final Reminder

School is out and scouts, Sunday schools, kids groups are not available until September to be able to collect food items and have assembly sessions. This is considered a "down time" for participants, but not for those hungry people we serve at UVA Medical. Therefore, if at all possible, if you and your group of kids or adults are not able to personally make some meal packets with direction from Margaret Gorman, then please know that every $5 represents a full day of nourishment for those mothers sitting with their infants waiting for critical operations, and so many families who enter ER each week not expecting the tragedy unfolding.

Please know that WE (that's you and me and Elisheva and Margaret and Patrick and Dawn and Sam and Tina and Sandy and Teresa and so many others) are all involved in something really good.  Thanks for your attention, and enjoy the radio program.

Blessings .... T. Wade Clegg III

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