Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Story Worth Repeating

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 for state workers, asked IHS to submit a very short story which depicts situations we encounter. This one story came quickly to mind. There are many more to tell, but this repeating situation is emotional for all of us, and stands forth as to why IHS's existence has such merit.

During the month of October, you can visit the CVC website at http://www.cvc.vipnet.org and visit "Making a Difference." As short stories appear, potential state worker donors can click on "Read more" and they will read the story below. For friends of IHS, we wanted to share this one example of this charity's impact.

Blessings ... T. Wade

The woman on the midnight bus

Mother & Child Walking from Midnight Bus

There is a young woman who arrives every month or two on the late Greyhound bus in Charlottesville. She walks with her child to a hotel near the UVA Medical Center. She saves every penny, not using a taxi even at this late hour. She is coming for cancer treatment the following day. Since she has no one at home in northern Virginia to keep her child and UVA Hospitality House restricts guests with children under age 18, her social worker meets her need for lodging and food through a close working relationship with a very responsive charity.   

Without pre-planning to secure her stay, this indigent patient could not make these trips to secure her hold onto life and a long life with her child. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) works closely with UVA social workers to meet temporary "unmet" needs for indigent patients and family members. While others are sleeping, IHS is also available 24/7 to UVA social workers with immediate needs which are not being met from any other source.

We are a CVC charity. To support the work of Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc., designate your gift to CVC 3648.

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other state employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 begins October 1st.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, meals, co-pay etc., designate your gift to CVC 3648.


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