We don't have the luxury of contributors who would like to match your donations, but we promise to continue to use every penny to serve those distance patients and families through UVA social staff to meet some very basic immediate needs. Those needs include shelter and food while coming from hundreds of miles for a chance to see a doctor. And we promise to continue as a no paid group of volunteers to maintain a 24/7 presence for social workers, while using our own personal funds in this worthy task. That is how we plan to match your consideration with whatever is possible to assist in the year ahead. Allow for just a Moment for us to share the Difference this Charity has made in 2012 IHS provided 109 commercial hotel rooms which temporarily served 191 guests who could not be accommodated in the UVA Hospitality House (HH), and paid for extended stays for 14 guests who could not afford the smallest fee at HH. ![]() IHS provided emergency co-pay and prescriptions as requested by social workers for indigent patients. IHS will have provided 45 infant car seats by this weekend for parents leaving the hospital with their child, but who find themselves without funds to secure a new safety seat. IHS asked Santa to make a Special Stop in Ivy on December 8th IHS provided the Christmas Dinner Turkeys for the UVA Hospitality House Mary Jackson, Supervisor, reported that twenty-one (21) guests enjoyed a special meal on December 25th in the Hospitality House. Staff prepared side dishes, and IHS provided organically raised pre-cooked turkey to feed about 24 people. Whole Foods Market donated the ham for this annual dinner. One never knows exactly how many guests will be required to stay over a holiday, while still in out-patient treatment at UVA Medical Center; however, Mary said the food provided was more than enough for this year's visitors. IHS is the only consistent provider of food items every week to ten days to stock the kitchen at Hospitality House (HH). The process of providing items is handled very directly by e-mail. Mary Jackson sends a list usually on a Friday, with those items which are running very low. For example, yesterday (Sunday) December 30, the list read as follows: Bacon (several pounds), Milk 2 gallons, Orange juice 2 gallons, Bread (several loaves and any bakery breads you can obtain fresh or frozen), eggs 2-3 dozen, Hot pockets (large box), 20 frozen dinners, cheese (large packet), fruits (any variety in bags), fruit cups (or small cans for individual use), and Laundry detergent (any kind any size) if possible. This list can vary and may include paper plates, cups, bowls and plastic utensils and napkins, margarine, other juices, applesauce cups, can vegetables, cereals, coffee and filters, sugar packets, creamers, drinking water by the case, etc. These are examples of must have items. The consistency of support provided by IHS friends and the December 2011 grant for 2012 from Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band in Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) has made it possible to meet every HH request within 24 hours. THANKS TO ALL! The 2012 Meal Packet Program Projection was on Target ![]() Our Wish this coming year? Quite frankly, it's to have more groups exposed to this charity and its never-ending effort to strengthen the safety net. Allow us to bring more happiness to situations which need a strong injection of our community generosity. It's not so much to ask, is it? Wishing You a Happy New Year & Blessings ... T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg |
Monday, December 31, 2012
Yes Virginia ... It Was a Productive Year ... Thanks to Your Support
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thanks to December Meal Makers & the Response from a UVA Social Worker
"We know that we are all part of the human family and that it is important to help one another." She added, "Both the children and their religious education teachers enjoyed making the packets and the notes and cards that go inside each packet."
December 12th - For the second year, the Cheng family of Charlottesville made it a holiday project to collect and make 25 full-day meal packets over several months, and then deliver them to the IHS Office at 105 Crofton Plaza at Lake Monticello in the Palmyra area along with a generous check for extra needs. Thanks to Elaine and David Cheng and their children, Alex (age 7) and Kate (age 4) for their continuing support.
December 18th - This is also the second year that Boy Scout Troop 36 has gathered for an overnight lock-in party, and produced full-day meal packets. Don Kimpel helped the scouts organize the event, which took place last weekend. IHS is picking up those 50 full-day meal packets as this notice is being released to friends of the charity.
To Lend some Perspective to what these donations mean to the Food Program
From the last week in November - December 18th, IHS will have delivered a total of 312 full-day meal packets to the Office of Social Work. December is proving to be the most active month for consumption. All social workers have access to the Social Work cabinet when a meal is needed by those in the hospital as caregivers or a family member, and are without adequate funds to eat. As you can readily see, the above groups provided 185 meals, which has allowed more funds to remain in the IHS Food Account for making up the balance for purchases needed monthly. It is apparent that the monthly need will continue to average from 250-300 meals monthly.
An Important Note from a Social Worker which was received this past week
She asked that Teresa copy her e-mail to IHS, and we are sharing it with Elaine's permission, so that friends of the charity will understand just one arena in the hospital where meals make a difference:
" Hi Teresa,
So - Now you know - what a difference each family, group, church or business can make.
In closing, Elaine Finley heard about the annual project by the Cheng family, which is mentioned above, and said,
"I love the project Elaine Cheng's family does to complete 25 full-day ziplock bags. I will talk to my own family and friends about doing something like this a few times a year. Such a simple thing to do, but I never thought of it. Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas."
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III |
Monday, December 10, 2012
First Full Year of Support
This December represents the end of an active full year with two programs to meet two unmet needs for patients and families who are here for treatment at the UVA Medical Center. IHS had paid for lodging at UVA Hospitality House as requested since 2009, but had not been involved in a consistent program for food support. IHS also began our Baby Program in support of Pediatric Clinic requests for infant child car safety seats and infant clothing. Both programs have been extremely beneficial for recipients. The UVA Hospitality House Food Program began one year ago on December 16, 2011 Grant Received on December 14, 2011 to Support IHS Food Program The Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation made it possible to secure deliveries made on request by the Hospitality House Supervisor throughout the entire year. This dedicated food grant assisted with funds for both IHS Food Programs over the year, namely for Hospitality House food support and the Full-day Meal Packet Program for Social Staff distribution for caregivers and families in the UVA Medical Center. The other funds come from generous individual donors. However, food support for Hospitality House could not have been consistent without the Bama Works Fund grant a year ago this next week. What was accomplished for Hospitality House Food Support over this Past Year? As of December 1, 2012, IHS has responded with thirty-four (34) shopping trips and deliveries in the last twelve (12) months. Supervisor Mary Jackson e-mails a specific list of food items in order to stock up the two refrigerators and cabinets in the downstairs kitchen. Sometimes, supplies may include detergent, paper plates and bowls, plastic utensils, and other necessities needed for an active kitchen. There are no designated days in IHS responses. If the cupboard is almost empty, that is the day we purchase and deliver. Holiday Meals for those who can't return home to be with Family In addition, IHS paid for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals in December 2011, and for Easter, 4th of July, and Thanksgiving meals for 2012. Christmas dinner in two weeks will also be arranged and paid for pickup by Hospitality House (HH) staff on December 24th. It is so important to remember that most patients who stay at HH are substantially underfunded, and come to Charlottesville from great distances, and are away from family and friends. Many are here for chemotherapy and must remain over holidays. Without the care and comfort and attention by HH staff, and supported by IHS, these visitors would not have these very important holiday meals. Just a Few Words about the Baby Program ![]() As of December 11, 2012 we will have obtained forty-one (41) infant car seats. There are two models: one larger seat for above 5 lbs. and one for tiny tots from 4 lbs. In addition, those same babies of parents who are generally pay grade one (indigent) do not have any significant clothing for the initial months of returning home; therefore, IHS has solicited donor support for both new and gently used clothing over this same period. A Note of Thanks from Hospitality House Thanks to all of you who have made these programs happen. So many have been helped. Thank you for your consideration for continued support. Please read the letter just received from Supervisor Mary Jackson, and signed by Hospitality House guests and staff. "On behalf of the Hospitality House staff and our guests, please accept our sincere appreciation for the turkeys and ham donated by Thanksgiving Dinner. We were able to feed 20+ patients and family members. Enclosed you will find a Thank You note signed by guests attending a feast on Thanksgiving. We also enjoyed a variety of side dishes just like Grandma fixed back in the day. All staff played a part in the dinner, whether shopping, covering phones or cleaning up. Your donation helped us provide a home cooked dinner for those not able to be home for the holiday. Thank you for caring and sharing. Your kindness has touched our hearts.What Can You Do To Assist? ![]() Donations may be addressed to IHS, PO Box 163, Palmyra, VA 22963, or you may direct your donations through our website and PayPal at: http://www.interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org/donate.php . Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
November 14th - A Truly Productive Day!
The e-mail was brief but most satisfying Under separate e-mail the following note was provided I am humbled to be even a small part of the amazing work that you do. I am so glad we were able to partner for this fundraiser. The entire group brought a vitality and enthusiasm to our aisles, and I swear, I could see your smiles from the other side of the store. So as you thank me, I thank you.Volunteers were generous with their time A total of 57 people representing such a variety of organizations balanced their schedules in order to devote from 1.5 - 8 hours of bagging groceries throughout a long work day, which lasted from 8 AM - 10 PM. Some last minute replacements from student groups came and balanced out the afternoon and evening time periods, and as a result, many last names were not provided in order to properly say thanks. However, please note participates below. Albemarle High School Key Club, lead by Danielle Horridge, Key Club Regional Officer, had 16 students participating during the 4-8:30 PM hours. Thanks to Maggie Comberg, Savannah Kennedy, Michelle Moore, Hanna Shaps, Isabel Lee, Jennifer Leider, Morgan Cahill, Sarah Henderson, Taylor Colley, Cesar Vidal, Curtis Davis, Abby Egnar, Maura Davis, Elyse Duani, Aamna Kahn and Linda Cohen. The Junior League of Charlottesville PIAD Committee participants were Tucker Petty and Kirsten Lorenger. Also thanks to Beth McNew of The Junior League for putting out the word to assist. UVA Medical Center staff included Teresa Bevins, Vikki Bravo, Sheila Ahmadi, Brenda Hardley, Elizabeth Stann, and Marc Hengartner. Barbara Matysek represented UVA Hospitality House. Individual friends of the charity who participated were: Dawn Cleveland, Kristen-Paige Madonia, Phil Gorman, Paula Damgaard, Cecilia Leiva, Joscelyn Leiva, Lolita Holding, Louise Westervelt, Norman Levine, Marjorie Adam and Phillipe Adam. Special thanks to the two Adam teens, who spent two hours at a dining table and made personal cards for placement in the full-day meal packs which are delivered to UVA Medical Center every few weeks. Paula Damgaard deserves a special thanks for staying from 12 - 10 PM, a very long time of endurance. All IHS Board members were present during the day for a variety of tasks. They included Elisheva Clegg, Margaret Gorman, Sam McLawhorn, Danielle Devereux, and T. Wade Clegg. And there was Music Thanks to the following who provided such pleasure for all of us: Sam McLawhorn, keyboardist, and frequently heard at Fellini's in downtown Charlottesville. Bob Gross & Hank Schutz, violinists, Piedmont Chamber Players. Erica Cha, guitarist. In Closing This was a special opportunity for fund-raising, especially at this time of the year, as we seek to fortify our funds for holiday and the first months of the year for lodging and food needs for the indigent population who come to our area and find the UVA Hospitality House and Ronald McDonald House unexpectedly fully occupied. Thanks for all of those who shopped at Whole Foods during this important day. The store is very generous in assisting this charity, not only for this singular event, but also for its support for special holiday meals. They assisted us with food assistance for 2012 UVA Hospitality House 4th of July dinner. A special "THANK YOU" is in order by writing to:
Kristen Rabourdin
Marketing Team Leader Whole Foods Market 1797 Hydraulic Road Charlottesville, VA 22901
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thanksgiving Shopping Day is November 24th at Whole Foods Market
5% Day is a Marvelous Opportunity for IHS When a charity is selected as a participant for 5% Day, it is truly a time for celebration. Whole Food's generous opportunity means that our charity will receive 5% net from the participating store's take for that day. In this case it's Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 8 AM - 10 PM. How can You Help? ![]() And there will be Music Volunteering on keyboard from 11 AM - 3 PM is Sam McLawhorn. From 3:45 - 5:45 PM Bob Gross and Hank Schutz, violinists with the Piedmont Chamber Players will perform. From 6-7 PM Erica Cha will play guitar. With a bit of luck and time to join in, we are hopeful to have more volunteers before and after these talented musicians. We've been gearing up to assist for the whole day We still have a need for more volunteers Shifts from 8-12 AM, 12-4 PM, 3-6 PM and 6-10 PM could use another 4-6 volunteers. This would allow for someone to serve as a greeter at the door, assist at the IHS display table, and take breaks from bagging during the 2-3 hour periods. Just e-mail us at and suggest which time is most convenient for you:
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
IHS Meal Packet Program Received BIG October Boost!
Henley Middle School in Crozet and Louisa Scouts Made IT Happen NOTES from Henley Middle School by Amy Effland Saturday, October 27 marked the 22nd annual Make A Difference Day, the nation's largest day of volunteering. At J. T. Henley Middle School in Crozet, students, faculty and staff have spent three weeks collecting donations of food and money to prepare meals for IHS.
Then on that Saturday, the school was open and the cafeteria tables were piled high as 366 meals were thoughtfully packaged into gallon bags, boxed and ready for pickup on October 28. 2012 Make A Difference Day Chair, Jennifer Locasale-Crouch and 6th grade teacher Amy Effland want to thank everyone who helped in some small way to make a big difference. We have already begun planning for Make A Difference Day 2013 with a vision of every Henley student packing one meal - tripling the donation of 2012! NOTES from Louisa by Kathleen Church This enthusiastic group of scouts and parents dedicate October and March of each year for the purchase and assembling of meal packets for Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum's food program. The troops have now been involved with this on-going assistance for the last two years. http://www.troop183mineralva.scoutlander.com/publicsite/unithome.aspx?UID=15493 Cub Scout Pack 183 meets weekly each Tuesday at 6:30 PM at Louisa Baptist Church located at 305 E. Main Street in Louisa. A NOTE from T. Wade Clegg III, President, IHS This past Sunday when we arrived to pick up the Henley Middle School donation at the school in Crozet, we were met by Margaret Gorman, the IHS Meal Packet Coordinator. What a delightful surprise to have Margaret present, and holding doors as we carted out the large load of meals. Margaret also handed us 20 more meal packets personally made by Annie Taylor, a Western Albemarle High School student. Annie explained that she made the meal packets for her voluntary community service hours required for Western Key Club and her Congressional Award. Many thanks to Annie for this personal contribution. That's a grand total from the three contributions above of 447 full-day meal packets as we head into the November-December holiday season. With present monthly demand of about 250 meals per month, this is truly a wonderful way to end October for this hospital program. A Final NOTE from Margaret Gorman It should be evident how quickly the meal packets are used; therefore, IHS is delighted when other groups, businesses, clubs, scouts, church classes, school classes and families pick a month and plan to purchase items and assemble packets in this never-ending effort. The IHS Food Program has an excellent description and guide.
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg
Monday, October 22, 2012
When Giving Is Just A Matter of Shopping
Please download and post this shopping announcement on your refrigerator! THEN - forward this e-mail to friends in the Charlottesville area for the widest possible exposure.
Why? Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) has been selected for participation in Whole Foods Market's 5% Day! Five percent of the day's net sales will be donated to IHS.
Suggestion: Plan your Thanksgiving shopping for this November 14th (Wednesday). Remember also that Thursday, November 15, is a UVA football game in C'ville ... so stock up for guests.
Some notes for consideration: IHS volunteers will be in the store throughout the day, assisting with bagging groceries, and assisting customers in any way possible. Plus, we will have a table and signs for information on the IHS mission. IHS friends with musical talents will be playing sets throughout the day for your shopping pleasure.
The IHS Mission: Continue strengthening the safety net for indigent patients and families in need of temporary assistance with lodging, food, co-pay, prescriptions, travel and pediatric needs such as infant car seats, clothing, and electric breast pump rentals for uninsured mothers, who come from great distances for medical services at UVA Medical Center.
Just in case the recipient to whom you graciously forward this e-mail does not know:
IHS is a totally independent, non-religious, nonprofit, no stock, 501(c)3, ALL volunteer, public charity dedicated solely to the mission statement above. Working closely with the UVA Medical Center Social Staff, which screens and approves those eligible for assistance, IHS is the 24/7 responder when a social worker calls. Day or night for the last 1,580+ days since June 2009 no patient or family member has ever been charged for any assistance provided.
Fundraising for a relatively unknown or behind the scenes charity is challenging ... but IHS has never said NO to a UVA social worker. People without funds for basic survival needs often arrive hungry and in immediate need of shelter, hundreds of miles from home and already suffering medically. Such situations must never be delayed for the next morning. Your review of the IHS categories of assistance is documented monthly at our blog site which is accessed from the website home page at http://www.interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org. Thank you.
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg
Friday, October 12, 2012
Quick Updates for Friends of IHS
Margaret Gorman is home and resting Most followers of charity activities will immediately know of Margaret's last letter which was published first as an e-mail and is now on our blog site dated September 29, 2012 at http://www.interfaithsanctum.blogspot.com. Also, we have corrected her speech to a large congregation which can be heard by clicking on the microphone in the September 7, 2012 blog posting. It's only 6 minutes long. Margaret is a board member and our full-day meal packet coordinator. Please scroll back at the blog site and read her notes and listen to the very moving speech. We received a short e-mail from Phil Gorman, Margaret's son on October 10th. He said, "I'm writing on behalf of my mom. Her surgery went well yesterday and she's recovering in the hospital. We expect her to come home today."This is good news. Margaret is missed. Need for Infant car safety seats has exceeded original projection - HELP WITH FUNDS NEEDED!
Just to offer some insight regarding these seats, we have an arrangement with a Walmart Super Center for purchase at a solid discount, but because we only purchase 2-3 at a time based on funds in the Baby Account, we are forced on occasion to purchase the brands available in the store. If we were able to purchase perhaps 6-12 at a time, we could secure the brand most reasonable and with a discount, and also secure the "neutral" color during the order. Once again, normally the "premie" seat is about $50.00 and the "regular" seat is $35.00. When the most reasonable brand is not in stock, a single premie seat from some manufacturers can be closer to $60.00 even with discounting. Remember - as nice as it would be to accept a one-time user seat from a contributor, we must purchase NEW seats still packaged when presented to UVA Pediatrics for those underfunded families to install in a vehicle when they leave with their child. One group heard our appeal last month Leia Durland-Jones's classes (4 year olds - 5th grades) at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial UU Church made a donation through PayPal on September 12th of $200.00. The donation was voted on by the children from their offering money from Children's Worship for purchase of infant car seats. Their donation was used over the last few weeks for purchase of four infant car seats. To all the children at TJM UU Church, thanks so much for all you do for the patients and families at UVA Medical Center. A First Mention of Vital Importance - mark your calendar for November 14th! IHS has been selected for participation in Whole Foods Market's 5% Day at the Charlottesville store. We will need 48 volunteers to assist with bagging groceries, while wearing an apron showing the IHS emblem and assisting customers from 8 AM - 10 PM. Shifts of 3-4 hours must be filled with about 12 people per shift. Even if you are not able to help with the lifting job, please plan to come and shop for Thanksgiving early. Remember - 5% of sales will be contributed to this charity for covering so many activities. It's time to SHOP, SHOP, SHOP! More details by clicking here to e-mailing us for the complete schedule and how you can participate. We really need your assistance. That date again: November 14th (Wednesday) ALL DAY! Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October is the Month for State Workers to Consider Workplace Giving through CVC
This announcement is important for all friends of IHS to know. It shows a very concerted effort by our small core group of volunteers to reach out to as many VA state employees as possible. Remember - this is a state university and employees are state employees; therefore, it is vital to increase support through knowledge of our mission. Simply stated, we are serving the indigent population who come to UVA Medical Center from all over Virginia without adequate funds to balance their temporary needs while being served by UVA Medical Center.
October 1st was the kick-off date for this very important source of funds for all eligible charities in Virginia. More than 1,300 charities participate in this annual campaign. The CVC drive lasts from October 1 - December 21, but the month of October is the most important month for charities to introduce their charitable goals. Employees may designate their gift to a specific charity or multiple charities by giving a one-time donation or through payroll deduction. IHS is reaching out beyond the immediate Charlottesville Area through CVC Fairs One of the most important avenues for introducing newer charities is through CVC Fairs. These one-day events are hosted by various schools, universities and state agencies throughout Virginia. Charities are offered first come, first serve space to have a table display and speak to state workers in that organization who are told in advance to take time to visit and learn about those who are seeking to make a difference. The CVC Fairs are perhaps the most effective method of hearing about a charity up close and personal and receive information. We are in constant motion during October to attend key CVC Fairs Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg, founding members of IHS, travel from small DOT compounds to DEQ offices to state offices in Richmond and to other university settings. On September 20, 2012 they attended the CVC Charity Fair hosted by VDOT Fredericksburg, VA District. Looking ahead from today, they will be spending a day at the following CVC Fairs:
THE ONLY WAY to re-invigorate CVC Fairs in the Central Virginia area is for state employees to ASK for such opportunities to be hosted in their facility once annually. That means speaking to Department Administrators to consider exposure which is not presently provided as in other parts of the state, and also e-mailing the Director of CVC for guidance and support at Anne.dinterman@dhrm.virginia.gov. Remember the new CVC website is www.cvc.virginia.gov. For all IHS friends, state employees or not ... Be aware of other opportunities such as professional meetings, civic groups, church outreach programs, scout troops, school clubs, businesses, etc., which would be open to a 10 minute presentation about IHS activities. An e-mail to us is all it takes to make contact for an immediate response. Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg
Saturday, September 29, 2012
A Very Personal Letter from Margaret Gorman
Dear Friends of IHS, In the past I have written for the IHS blog from my volunteer position as a person who introduces the IHS meal packet program to churches, schools, charities and scout groups who make so many of the meal packets for the University of Virginia (UVA) Medical Center. This is a very rewarding activity. A new viewpoint Today, however, I am writing from the viewpoint of a patient at the UVA Medical Center, where I will be receiving treatment for the next several months. I would like to tell you some stories about what I've heard at the hospital about IHS and what people I encounter there say about the Reverends Clegg and their wonderful work. So gratifying ... the stories I've heard The first story is from when I chatted with a medical resident in plastic surgery/cancer after she took notes on my case. I asked her if she ever saw one gallon zippered bags with meals in them. She said, "IHS? Oh Yes. I don't know what we would do without them." She then expounded at some length about the desperate situations of people who receive IHS assistance. She was urgent in her desire that I understand just how important this charity is to the medical center. We returned to our business, but before she left to fetch the surgeon, she turned back and said a very heart-felt "Thank you." The next story comes from the Pre-admissions Department where people go to have medical tests done before they enter the hospital for treatment. The EKG technician knew immediately what a meal packet is. She spoke about how far patients travel to come to UVA for their care and how terribly sick many people are by the time they arrive at UVA for care. Many arrive with nothing. The meals, hotel rooms, car seats, co-pays and other services that the IHS provide are essential and not available any other way. This technician, too, expressed profound appreciation to the Reverends Clegg and the unique assistance of the IHS. My final story is about a conversation with a social worker in the cancer center. Her reaction when I told her I help with meal packets was dramatic: She cried. Like the two others, her account of the work of the IHS was about the urgency of the need and about how the Cleggs are available at all times to do whatever they can to relieve suffering and support patients and their families who have no one else to help at such critical and unhappy times. My own story is different I'm local. I have friends and family here to help and I have good insurance. It's difficult to imagine how much harder it would be to be sick if I did not have this kind of support in my life. I am, once again, amazed and proud to be part of the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum. If you are considering making a donation of meal packets or funds to go toward hotel rooms, co-pays, car seats or other critical items that IHS provides, you should know that this operation is very effective and very much appreciated by the UVA Medical Center community.
Sincerely ... Margaret Gorman
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Kick-off October 1st
IHS enters second year in CVC ... same code 3648 UVA Medical Center is a state hospital, and CVC is the tool that facilitates State Employee workplace giving. More than 1,300 charities participate in this annual campaign. Employees may designate their gift to a specific charity or multiple charities within the program by giving a one-time donation or through payroll deduction. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) began with twenty (20) contributors last year, and needs a considerable increase this year and into the future. As most friends of this charity know, the indigent population which we serve come from all over Virginia and West Virginia to be treated at UVA Medical Center in Charlottesville. Last week a patient in Virginia was assisted with lodging after a call from a social worker indicated that all rooms were filled in Hospitality House. That patient's one way journey was 320 miles. Our involvement with assistance is of course centered in Charlottesville, but most patients and families served with temporary lodging, food, prescriptions, co-pays and Pediatric Clinic needs, such as infant car seats, are coming from well beyond 60 miles, most averaging 176 miles one-way for treatment which is available to them nowhere else. IHS was created to meet the needs of those who were and still are not being served by any other sources to the degree absolutely needed, and we are doing it by making ourselves available 24/7 when a social worker calls. Opportunities for Newer Charity Exposure to State Employees in Charlottesville Area is practically non-existent This charity knew that CVC Charity Fairs were vital for exposure as a new entry in strengthening the safety net; however, that link with state workers at an agency, the University, or within the Medical Center for a day of exposure via table display and handouts is no longer available in this part of Virginia. We have urged CVC to consider how limiting this is for new charities with little exposure to this very important region; however, there appears to be a reluctance for making this opportunity available in Charlottesville and surrounding counties. THE ONLY WAY that will re-invigorate charity exposure through CVC Fairs in Central Virginia is for state employees to ASK for annual days of exposure in their agency or institution, and promote attention to such events. Richmond area is actively involved with promotion of CVC Fairs for Annual Exposure There is a broad vitality in areas like Richmond, where multiple agencies provide state employees an opportunity to get to know who is devoted to making a difference. That opportunity does not exist in central Virginia. If an institution, hospital branch, or agency decides that a CVC Fair opportunity can serve to enlighten staff as to ALL CVC approved charities serving their community, that needs to be projected to the CVC Director, Anne Dinterman at Anne.dinterman@dhrm.virginia.gov. Ms. Dinterman said that "CVC is run by employees for employees." Then it is time for employees to communicate with CVC and express an interest in allowing for exposure for all those new charities who are seeking to strengthen the safety net, and perhaps allow EVERY CVC eligible charity a chance to provide state employees a chance to get to know them. Ms. Dinterman also said that "25% of all CVC donations come from the Charlottesville area of the state, and that employees are passionate about workplace giving, and employees are informed about workplace giving." We are aware of the passion expressed by those who know of our participation, but there is an absolute limitation on state employees being fully informed. Perhaps with an invigoration of CVC Fairs in Charlottesville, being FULLY INFORMED WILL BECOME A REALITY. If any state employee would like to see that opportunity extended to ALL charities, including IHS, there is no time like now to express that interest. The new CVC website for exploration of workplace giving is www.cvc.virginia.gov. IHS encourages state employee involvement in this marvelous workplace program, and we will continue to encourage expanding all opportunities for total exposure.
Blessings ... T. Wade
Friday, September 7, 2012
Following a Long Summer, IHS Friends are Back to Assist
The Group that initiated the IHS Meal Packet Program Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist (TJM-UU) of Charlottesville, Virginia prepares for another year of assisting the IHS Meal Packet Program. On Sunday August 19 the Church dedicated their monthly "Social Action Collection" to collect funds that will allow them to buy foods and supplies that will be turned into meal packets for the people we serve.
Church member and IHS Board member Margaret Gorman spoke to the congregation during morning worship service, and they responded generously. The church now has $2,131.00 to apply toward meal packets supplies. This should provide about 300-350 full-day meal packets; perhaps more if church shoppers are able to find special sale prices for the items that they need. The church children, youth, and adults will all have opportunities to assemble meal packets and create the greeting cards that are enclosed for recipients. What Began in June 2009 is only growing Rain or shine, summer or winter, 200-250 full-day meal packets are delivered monthly to the Office of Social Work at UVA Medical Center for access by social workers to provide to long distance caregivers (mostly indigent situations), seeking to exist on minimum nutritional needs while supporting a loved one in the hospital. The TJM UU Church has been the anchor group for sustaining the program, as other church classes, scouts, schools, and families pitch in annually with assembling parties to fulfill this vital need. Listen to Margaret's Presentation to the Church via the link below
IHS received an e-mail from Danielle Horridge, Key Club International, Capital District Lieutenant Governor, on the evening of August 11. Danielle announced that Division 5A of the Capital District of Key Club will have 16 participants (11 Key Clubbers from Albemarle HS, Charlottesville HS, Fluvanna County HS, Monticello HS, and Western Albemarle HS as well as 5 members of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club) at their President's Council Meeting/ Service Project on August 12. After the meeting the group was to make 50 meal packets from items donated by the members as well as Kroger. Her only question: "Where do I deliver?" From First Notice to Delivery in 12 hours ... What a Pleasant Surprise
Danielle said that she had been in contact with Margaret Gorman, and learned of the IHS Program from members of the Western Albemarle High School Key Club. That group bought, assembled, boxed and provided meal packets earlier in the year. Danielle explained that her division does not personally have a website, but the district does. The link is http://www.capitalkeyclub.org Thanks to everyone who participated in the event. That's enough meals for a week and will feed fifty people with so very few funds to sustain while waiting in the UVA Medical Center. An Important Reminder There are two parts to the IHS Food Program which serves patients and families so far from home. These visitors are either in out-patient treatment and staying in UVA Hospitality House (which is supplied by IHS with food for guests every other week) or they are family caregivers, mostly parents staying with their children in Pediatrics for weeks, even months, as a child waits for a transplant or is fighting for life from an accident or disease. The list is long for why someone has traveled to this healthcare center, but the need is absolute and often the only place for the indigent population of Virginia. Not eating should never be a part of the suffering which is already occupying someone's life. How Easy to make a difference in the lives of so many If your church group, club, troop or civic organization is looking for an easy, important and fun volunteer project, or if you and some friends would like to get together to do an activity that has an impact on other people's lives, please look at the "Food Program" section of the IHS website for instructions on how to create meal packets, or how to donate funds designated for the charity to make meals. What a terrific opportunity to be involved with children in shopping, selecting, making personal notes and filling gallon size plastic bags with a full day's nutrition, and teaching generosity all at the same time. Click on the above hyperlink for details... Blessings ... T. Wade |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Casting a Small Net Can Reap Abundance
Notes from T. Wade Clegg III About four weeks ago I wrote to a dozen close friends of the charity who have possible contacts for collection of infant clothes. Most are women who have been very supportive of the charity in a variety of ways. I asked for them to reach out to their personal contacts for both gently used and perhaps new infant clothes for those indigent children in the UVA Pediatric Clinics. Just as IHS provides infant child safety seats as needed, these same children are often returning to a home with little or no clothing, diapers, etc. Pediatric Clothing Requests have been another category of increased need An Exceptional Gift from The Paul Stefan Foundation
Tina e-mailed: "The Foundation was formed by Randy and Evelyn James. Randy is President and CEO, and Evelyn is the Executive Director. We currently have two (2) homes located in Unionville, Virginia, and each home can accommodate 5 moms and 5 babies. The generosity of our community will allow us to share with your charity."On July 25th, Tina and CEO Randy James arrived at the IHS Storage and Assembly Office at 105 Crofton Plaza at Lake Monticello, Virginia. Earlier when Tina said, "We have a ton of items for those babies," I had no idea that she was speaking literally. Tina arrived in her SUV with the rear filled, and Randy came in a pickup with twelve (12) large bins and additional clothing in bags. It was indeed a marvelous expression of generosity, and deliveries to UVA Pediatric Social Worker Teresa Bevins begins this week. A few more comments about the Paul Stefan Foundation We hope you will connect with the link and learn more about the devotion of this wonderful charity which is dedicated to expansion as they secure young women and their newborns. Quite frankly, very few programs have such an extended assistance up to two years, and then still offers continued support with house supplies, diapers, cribs, etc. The Paul Stefan Foundation offers that springboard for a future. It is indeed a most admirable undertaking. Thanks to Randy and Evelyn James, Tina Schweikart and staff for their generosity. You are invited to learn about this new friend of Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, another non-religious charity, reaching out with options for young women of many cultures. You will find a lot of information at their website at http://www.paulstefanhome.org. The site will soon be updated for information on their Gala/Casino night scheduled for October 20, 2012. Sorting through the Treasure and labeling is no easy task Thanks to the Leiva girls of Lake Monticello, Cecilia Leiva and her daughters, Cindy and Jocelyn, for their hours of assisting with clothing and packaging meal packets in the Crofton Plaza Office in late July. Thanks to Board Member Danielle Devereux for bringing out some men's clothing, which will be given to the social worker in ER for those situations when an adult male arrives for treatment and ends up needing a change of clothes when released. A final important update regarding our support of UVA Pediatrics
Blessings ... T. Wade |
SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other state employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2012 begins October 1st. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity. To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 3648.. |
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Need a Worthy Family Task during the Summer Break?
A Note from Margaret Gorman, IHS Meal Packet Coordinator, Ivy, Virginia If you live in the Central Virginia area, at least not more than 60 miles from Charlottesville, an IHS representative is prepared to plan with you for a time and place to retrieve your supply. If you are traveling into Fluvanna County near Lake Monticello, IHS has an office (105 Crofton Plaza near the front gate) for food storage and full-day meal packet assembly sessions. Simply make a call or e-mail us and someone will work to collect your meal packets. If you are coming to downtown Charlottesville, we meet people to transfer from car to car deliveries in Barracks Road Shopping Center. Then we meet with contributors in Hot Cakes Restaurant (next to the CVS Pharmacy). Hot Cakes is one of THE best caterers in Virginia, and a good friend of the charity. It's a lovely little restaurant with excellent food. When a family member comes home, there is always time for some charitable activity Stuart was home visiting from Dublin, Ireland, where he's pursuing a PhD in Medieval History. If anyone wants to know more about armor, castles and weapons of the 100 Years War of the 1400's, or if you need someone to come over to appraise your suit of armor or crossbow, please contact him through IHS. Keep in mind that IHS delivers from 100-125 full-day meal packets every two weeks to the UVA Office of Social Work for access by all social workers as needed in the hospital. For the first six months of 2012, IHS has delivered 1,274 full-day meal packets. The majority of those meals have provided nourishment for parents in Pediatric Clinics who are here every day for weeks and even months while their child is being treated for a critical situation. Thanks for your consideration ... Margaret |

"You must give sometime to your fellow man. Even if it is a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it"