IHS enters second year in CVC ... same code 3648 UVA Medical Center is a state hospital, and CVC is the tool that facilitates State Employee workplace giving. More than 1,300 charities participate in this annual campaign. Employees may designate their gift to a specific charity or multiple charities within the program by giving a one-time donation or through payroll deduction. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) began with twenty (20) contributors last year, and needs a considerable increase this year and into the future. As most friends of this charity know, the indigent population which we serve come from all over Virginia and West Virginia to be treated at UVA Medical Center in Charlottesville. Last week a patient in Virginia was assisted with lodging after a call from a social worker indicated that all rooms were filled in Hospitality House. That patient's one way journey was 320 miles. Our involvement with assistance is of course centered in Charlottesville, but most patients and families served with temporary lodging, food, prescriptions, co-pays and Pediatric Clinic needs, such as infant car seats, are coming from well beyond 60 miles, most averaging 176 miles one-way for treatment which is available to them nowhere else. IHS was created to meet the needs of those who were and still are not being served by any other sources to the degree absolutely needed, and we are doing it by making ourselves available 24/7 when a social worker calls. Opportunities for Newer Charity Exposure to State Employees in Charlottesville Area is practically non-existent This charity knew that CVC Charity Fairs were vital for exposure as a new entry in strengthening the safety net; however, that link with state workers at an agency, the University, or within the Medical Center for a day of exposure via table display and handouts is no longer available in this part of Virginia. We have urged CVC to consider how limiting this is for new charities with little exposure to this very important region; however, there appears to be a reluctance for making this opportunity available in Charlottesville and surrounding counties. THE ONLY WAY that will re-invigorate charity exposure through CVC Fairs in Central Virginia is for state employees to ASK for annual days of exposure in their agency or institution, and promote attention to such events. Richmond area is actively involved with promotion of CVC Fairs for Annual Exposure There is a broad vitality in areas like Richmond, where multiple agencies provide state employees an opportunity to get to know who is devoted to making a difference. That opportunity does not exist in central Virginia. If an institution, hospital branch, or agency decides that a CVC Fair opportunity can serve to enlighten staff as to ALL CVC approved charities serving their community, that needs to be projected to the CVC Director, Anne Dinterman at Anne.dinterman@dhrm.virginia.gov. Ms. Dinterman said that "CVC is run by employees for employees." Then it is time for employees to communicate with CVC and express an interest in allowing for exposure for all those new charities who are seeking to strengthen the safety net, and perhaps allow EVERY CVC eligible charity a chance to provide state employees a chance to get to know them. Ms. Dinterman also said that "25% of all CVC donations come from the Charlottesville area of the state, and that employees are passionate about workplace giving, and employees are informed about workplace giving." We are aware of the passion expressed by those who know of our participation, but there is an absolute limitation on state employees being fully informed. Perhaps with an invigoration of CVC Fairs in Charlottesville, being FULLY INFORMED WILL BECOME A REALITY. If any state employee would like to see that opportunity extended to ALL charities, including IHS, there is no time like now to express that interest. The new CVC website for exploration of workplace giving is www.cvc.virginia.gov. IHS encourages state employee involvement in this marvelous workplace program, and we will continue to encourage expanding all opportunities for total exposure.
Blessings ... T. Wade
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Kick-off October 1st
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