Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Little Bit of Hope for the Least Able is Within Your Reach ....

There are so many stories which could be told, but for the sake of privacy they simply must be vague as to time, place of origin , and circumstance. Such is the matter which follows:

Late December afternoon call from a Social Worker asking if there was possibly some assistance available for a couple from northern Virginia who had just arrived in a taxi. Not a medical taxi, but a commercial cab!  It was not a cheap ride, but the couple learned that a specialist would see them, so that was their only objective.

I learned that the couple was only recently settled into their location. They were arrivals from Africa,  and desperate for attention to a particular medical problem. When the option for the appointment arose at the UVA Medical Center, they flagged a cab.
The Social Worker said that she did not know what else to tell me, except that they are here and will be seen. They speak very little English, and communication is limited, but we will work around that.  However, as she noted, "The taxi ride left them broke. UVA Hospitality House fortunately has a room for two nights. I know you provide food to Hospitality House so that is covered. Can you cover their lodging  for two nights? I can get them home day after tomorrow."

Our answer was YES... send them over.  Some situations don't need a lot of explanation.

Such last minute situations occur weekly, sometimes several times, different emergencies but always desperate people just moving with the flow in order to secure treatment wherever it can be rendered.  This charity's devotion to the UVA Hospital's Social Work staff for just such situations is only possible when a friend of the charity remembers that we are ready to respond 24/7 and sends a donation to allow this service to be sustained.
Thanks to all of you who have brought so much relief to these guests in desperate times.

Your donation keeps us in rapid response mode!

Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

 Much love from all of us
T. Wade, Elisheva & Sam ... IHS Founding Members

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