Monday, February 26, 2018

Anything worth saying is worth repeating a thousand times ...

Therefore, it is prominent that what we repeat is truly worthwhile. What that generally means is that there will be individuals and groups to whom excessive mention is justified. Why? Because their consistent participation with funds and food are among the most important sustaining factors for lifting large numbers of people for whom this charity seeks to support.

In the past year ... the following have blessed us with their abundant  giving:
  • Grace and Glory Lutheran Church in Palmyra makes no less than 60 full-day meal packets every second Sunday and delivered them to the IHS office at Lake Monticello.
  • Effort Baptist Church in Palmyra has donated several thousand dollars from their "tithing program" to be used as needed for lodging, food and infant car seats.
  • Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church UU in Charlottesville remains the anchor church for production of meal packets several times annually through their Sunday School Giving, producing hundreds of meals each session.
Thank you All for what you are doing to maintain this worthy program!

And who are the people we help?

There is an indigent and grossly underfunded population who receive their treatment at two medical centers in Virginia. The University of Virginia(UVA)  is one of these facilities. What is not known by the general population is that far too many who must come to Charlottesville, home of the UVA Medical Center, simply can't afford travel, commercial lodging, food, or medications for out-patient treatment.

The challenge of the long-haul, and unexpected time away from home unprepared

There is a matter of extended "out-patient" stays of many weeks for those who come to the UVA Cancer Center. An initial review of a patient can determine that the situation is critical and extensive appointments are needed. Extended assistance may be located and secured, but very few charities or agencies are geared to immediate assistance for patients who are totally without funds. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) was originated in order to assist with immediate needs for days, while the UVA Social Work staff goes into overdrive to find those opportunities for those who will be in critical treatment for long periods. Your participation as an individual or as a part of a church or business or club is so appreciated.
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  

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