On December 14th the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) announced $337,300 in grants to 43 local nonprofits through the Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band in CACF. One of those 43 grateful recipients is Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS).
IHS received a letter on December 13th from John Redick, President of CACF, with a check for $10,000.00 to be used for assistance with programs providing food for patients and families at the University of Virginia (UVA) hospital.
In his press release Mr. Redick had these comments: "The Dave Matthews Band's continued generosity to the people of this community is remarkable. Through the Bama Works Fund in CACF, established in 1998, the Band touched and improved the lives of many in our local area. The Community Foundation is deeply grateful for their support and for the good work of the deserving organizations which will benefit from the gifts being announced today."
For those not familiar with the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, CACF is a permanent endowment dedicated to improving the quality of life in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties of Albemarle, Greene, Orange, Louisa, Fluvanna, Buckingham, and Nelson. Since its inception in 1967, the CACF has provided over $43 million in grants.
For a complete list of the happily surprised 43 charities, please access the CACF website at www.cacfonline.org.
What the Grant means for the IHS Food Program
This grant will support the IHS full-day Meal Packet Program for the Social Office workers within the main Hospital, and for the first time, allow for a consistent monthly food delivery for the UVA Hospitality House (HH). It is anticipated that the grant will assist with about 60% of our food purchases for both food projects for 2012.
The full-day Meal Packet Program, under the guidance of Margaret Gorman, is based on community assembly sessions by church classes, scout troops, schools and even neighborhood work parties. The cumulative collection monthly from various groups allows for this charity to maintain the 100-150 meal packets delivered every two weeks. The grant will allow us to secure production of meal packets, especially during summer breaks when most groups are on vacation.
UVA Hospitality House (HH) Food assistance is now secure for 2012
We learned of the potential loss of the Hospitality House's only consistent food grant of $400 monthly several months ago. Anticipating this loss, we appealed in our grant request for funds to instigate a consistent monthly food program. This grant arrived just in time to pick up a significant food load at HH. We will actually purchase food and deliver to HH every two weeks. First delivery was last week. With the grant we were also able to secure the Christmas meal for those guests at the House during this holiday period.
Thanks to the Dave Matthews Band for the music ... and their exceptional generosity!
On behalf of all of us who seek to make a difference for those long distance patients and caregivers with limited income who come to this community for treatment at the UVA Medical Center, this fantastic contribution could not have arrived at a more opportune time. We do not operate on the basis of seasonal needs ... the need for lodging, food, co-pay, prescription and travel assistance is never-ending; however, this particular food grant is that unexpected boost which has lifted our spirits even higher.
To All of those faithful donors to this charity and this new friend of the charity, we wish you and yours the very best of holidays with family and friends.
Blessings .... The Volunteers of Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum
Thursday, December 22, 2011
First Grant could not be more timely!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Santa Came to Town and Did NOT Let Us Down!
Some siblings can't be separated and really enjoy sharing. |
Marjorie wrote this short note below and provided the following photos to share with readers of this blog. It was a lovely opportunity for Marjorie, her guests and their children, and Santa said he really likes coming to Virginia.
This kid is fixated, but not on Santa |
"December is the time of year when our team reflects upon the past year and how fortunate we have been, and we look to continue to give back to our community. My favorite part of giving back is combining fun and family with giving. We truly value and appreciate our past clients, friends and business partners and we enjoy spending time with them. This year, we decided to have Santa come to our house to take photos with our friends and clients, saving them a trip to the mall. We of course did not charge for this, but we asked our clients to make a charitable contribution to IHS. It was a win-win. Our clients got a wonderful visit and photo with Santa, we got to spend fun time with them and IHS received some much needed and much deserved help. We highly encourage people to combine a fun get together with giving, and we thank Santa and his IHS helpers .
'Twas The Night Before Christmas
When a girl needs time to think ... Santa can just wait |
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danc'd in their heads,
And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap -
When it's really cozy curled up in Santa's lap,why say anything? |
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny rein-deer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
Sisters bring a lot of joy and smiles when meeting Santa |
"Now! Dasher, now! Dancer, now! Prancer and Vixen,
"On! Comet, on! Cupid, on! Donder and Blitzen;
"To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
"Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys - and St. Nicholas too:
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
This was no little girl; she's one of the Adam Team members! |
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound:
He was dress'd all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnish'd with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys was flung on his back,
And he look'd like a peddler just opening his pack:
His eyes - how they twinkled! His dimples: how merry,
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry;
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
This little guy never stopped smiling and said very little. |
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face, and a little round belly
That shook when he laugh'd, like a bowl full of jelly:
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laugh'd when I saw him in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
Happy Holidays from the Adam Team family |
And fill'd all the stockings; then turn'd with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose
He sprung to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight -
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
-Clement Clark Moore
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's All About a Cummulative Collection of Giving
We have many people to thank for food donations recently, and it's a pleasure to continue to recognize groups, families and individuals in this never-ending challenge. It is our hope that readers of this very intimate blog entry will recognize what "cumulative" really means. J.T. Henley Middle School Concludes "Make a Difference Day" Project Our friends at J. T. Henley Middle School in Crozet, VA recently sent over 21 meals. This concludes their remarkable "Make a Difference Day" project, coordinated by Amy Effland. This was an ambitious project, and Amy had to organize it quickly. It called for a lot of communication and flexibility and involved many people from different parts of the school. In all we received 322 meals from Henley. Local Family Helps Out We also want to thank Amy Effland and her family, John, Ryan and Connor, for the 25 additional meal packets that they assembled at home. That's a very nice surprise to come home from work and find three large boxes of meals sitting on the porch. They are much appreciated and will be go over to the Medical Center soon.Monticello District, Boy Scouts of America
This year, 2011, my husband Mike arrived at the December Roundtable to find a meal packet assembly line set up. Scout leaders told the group about how their youth had helped over the past year and talked about their goal of continued assistance. Everyone had the opportunity to fill bags with food and Mike came home with 50 meals and extras items that I combined with supplies from my stash to come up with a total of 53 meal packets. Thank you so much to the Monticello District of the Stonewall Jackson Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Special thanks to Peggy Ives, Roundtable Commissioner, and the other people who shopped for and laid out the meal packet supplies. Over the past year the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts from several counties have been our greatest supporters. They have given us hundreds of meals, and we are very appreciative. And finally ...It's nice when your friends and family support your hobby I want to thank my colleagues, Linda and Andrea, for thinking of IHS when they were shopping at Sam's Club. I found cases of breakfast bars, peanut butter crackers, applesauce cups, etc. sitting at my desk at work one morning before Thanksgiving. I bought microwave entrees at the store and we had everything else to assemble meal packets in my stash of extras at home. My family put together 24 meal packets after dinner on Thanksgiving Day. The above people produced 123 full-day meal packets. This represents our minimum need every two weeks at the UVA Medical Center to make sure that no caregiver or outpatient from out of town for many days goes without food. It is estimated that this quantity of very deliberately assembled nutritious items is valued at no less than $615.00. These packets are meant to sustain for the day! The need for meal packets will not go away soon. We so appreciate your assistance in helping people. I hope this cumulative review will allow others to consider how it comes together, and join in this most worthy of projects. Thanks to all of you. Blessings, Margaret Gorman, IHS Meal Packet Program Coordinator |
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Every Day Allows for Giving Thanks
It's good to have a dedicated holiday to gather with friends and family. All of us need a set-aside day to sit across the table and renew the bonds which bind. Sometimes it is that set-aside day which allows people to have time to travel. Sometimes people find themselves traveling away from home with far too few funds to support themselves, but their duty to themselves or a loved one must take priority.
There are many in this community, inside and outside the UVA Medical Center, who are passionately dedicated to the welfare of these patients and families. To all of you who are among that Fraternal Order of Giving, we are so very thankful to be blessed with this opportunity to help secure these patients and families, mostly indigent, in a time of desperation. For those who have donated to IHS and other charities, YOU ARE THAT CRITICAL DIFFERENCE IN OUR ABILITY TO FUNCTION AND FULFILL OUR PURPOSE. Thank you for Giving. A Very Special Class of Donors visited UVA Medical Center last week
The Skills Class has been instrumental in raising funds, purchasing food items and then assembling with other students in a school project which produced more than 322 full day meal packets. The final 49 meals were delivered personally during the class's visit to the Medical Center Social Office. Clinical Social Worker Teresa Bevins lead the group to the special storage area where the meals are maintained for access to all social workers for caregivers in their sections, especially in Pediatrics. Ms. Bevins also
UVA Medical Center has been a special part of the lives of these particular students, and many saw professional staff whom they recognized just during the trip up and back to the Social Office. To these marvelously giving students who understand the value of medical professionals, as former patients, and wanted to experience the completion of their purchases and assembly sessions, right to the source where the need is fulfilled, this visit was truly meaningful. Blessings ... from all of us at IHS and our supporters |
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Terrific November ... thanks to so many!
![]() A mother and baby are transferred from another hospital at a great distance to UVA Medical Center where the baby is entered into the NICU (Neo-intensive Care Unit). Both Mother and baby arrive in a medical vehicle. Parents are not allowed to remain in the NICU with their babies, and upon arrival the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) was completely full. It so happened that UVA Hospitality House was also full. When social worker MT called in mid-afternoon, it was evident that neither facility would have an opening that night, and this very stressed out mother had no funds to cover her needs while in Charlottesville. IHS places this mother in a commercial hotel within a short walk to the hospital and she is told of the full day meal packets available to her through her social worker. A room in Hospitality House opens within one day, and the day after she is placed in Ronald McDonald House. Problem solved ...thanks to friends who contribute to strengthening the safety net. Speaking of full day meals ... IHS received lots of help from a lot of kids this past month Thanks also to Brownie Troop 1234 of Charlottesville area for their November 2nd donation of 25 full-day meal packets and 24 snack packs. The leaders reported that they were happy to give true service with no reward or prizes other than the good feeling one has when doing something for others. When these combined scout sessions were completed, and all items combined, IHS will be able to secure two more weeks for food supplies for social worker needs in November and December. THANKS TO ALL! Thanksgiving and IHS participation!
However, before leaving this Sunday, please know that we stopped by Kroger Market in Barracks Road Shopping Center and secured a large turkey and ham to be prepared for delivery to UVA Hospitality House for those patients and families who must remain for further treatment over the holidays. For friends of the charity within the Charlottesville area, please know that Mary Jackson and her staff do marvelous things for their guests, and IHS is so pleased to make it more enjoyable. IF YOU LIVE IN CHARLOTTESVILLE AREA, AND WANT TO ADD TO THE FOOD NEEDS OVER A VERY LONG WEEKEND FOR ABOUT 30 HOSPITALITY HOUSE GUESTS ... PLEASE CALL MARY JACKSON AND ASK WHAT ITEMS SHE NEEDS TO MAKE THANKSGIVING EATING STRETCH FOR MANY DAYS FOR MANY PEOPLE. Her number is 924-5722. She will indicate what is needed and where to bring your food contribution. Hold the presses - another assembly party just last night, November 15th. Here is the note from Adult Leader Scott Sims. "17 Young Men and Young Women from the Rivanna Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had a very uplifting experience compiling 100 meal packets for IHS. Several months of planning and purchasing food for these packets resulted in a fun-filled, inspiring activity where these youth were able to provide this great service to our Charlottesville community. Thanks to Youth leaders Brandon Mantell and Brianna Ashby for leading the charge, and adult leaders Forrest Johnson, Johanna Johnson, Miquelle Crosland, and Scott Sims. The church website is www.lds.org. The Rivanna Ward Youth thanks IHS for all you do and for providing this opportunity to serve. " Blessings to all of you and yours ... T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg |
Friday, October 28, 2011
Make a Difference Day at Henley School will feed hungry over many weeks!
Personal Notes from Margaret Gorman, IHS Meal Packet Coordinator
I'd like to add that two girls raised $125 in a bake sale that we used to purchase food. Harris Teeter Grocery Store in Crozet donated $50 and let us borrow two grocery carts that we are using for collecting donations and for moving food to various classrooms where the students assemble the meals. Students gave up free time to go to Ms. Effland's classroom to make greeting cards. About 20 students helped Margaret Gorman conduct a semi-scientific study to compare the efficiency and accuracy of two methods of assembling meal packets: piecemeal construction vs. the assembly line. The results suggest that Henry Ford had a good idea when he invented the automobile assembly line. Eighth grade students will receive community service credit for their help. Everyone who participated had a good time and knew they were providing valuable assistance to people who are going through a tough time.
We want to express great appreciation to the J.T. Henley community for their success in this huge effort. Amy Effland, Amy Hovis and Teresa Goodin organized the effort. Susan Guerrant, Chuck Miller and Kevin Murphy provided great financial support, advise on logistics and publicity. The custodial staff collected nice boxes for packing the meals. The front office fielded questions and collected the donations for us. Maureen Russell gave her art classes the time and resources to produce beautiful greeting cards.
Here is the direct link to the Daily Progress article: http://www2.dailyprogress.com/news/2011/oct/21/mckenzie-henley-goes-big-make-difference-day-ar-1400876/ |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A Story Worth Repeating
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 for state workers, asked IHS to submit a very short story which depicts situations we encounter. This one story came quickly to mind. There are many more to tell, but this repeating situation is emotional for all of us, and stands forth as to why IHS's existence has such merit. During the month of October, you can visit the CVC website at http://www.cvc.vipnet.org and visit "Making a Difference." As short stories appear, potential state worker donors can click on "Read more" and they will read the story below. For friends of IHS, we wanted to share this one example of this charity's impact. Blessings ... T. Wade The woman on the midnight bus Without pre-planning to secure her stay, this indigent patient could not make these trips to secure her hold onto life and a long life with her child. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) works closely with UVA social workers to meet temporary "unmet" needs for indigent patients and family members. While others are sleeping, IHS is also available 24/7 to UVA social workers with immediate needs which are not being met from any other source. We are a CVC charity. To support the work of Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc., designate your gift to CVC 3648. |
SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other state employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 begins October 1st. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity. To support our work for lodging, meals, co-pay etc., designate your gift to CVC 3648.
Friday, October 14, 2011
October Events to Date Have Provided Wonderful Exposure!
Notes from Margaret Gorman, IHS Meal Packet Coordinator IHS Yard Sale a success Oct. 8, 2011 in Ivy area of Charlottesville, VA
Thanks to Alyson and John Ball, Mike Gorman and Patrick Gorman (who got out of bed unbearably early to move tables). Thanks to the Tillys, Bo Berndt, the Allisons and Missy Lynn for their donations of yard sale items and to the Kimbrough Circle neighbors who gave generous donations for the items they hauled away. Thanks also to Sandy and Alice Williams who set up a companion yard sale that enticed many people to our yard sale. Alice was also one of our best customers; I believe most of the profits from her sale ended up in our donation box when she hauled off bags of books and an outfit to wear to an upcoming Japanese Anime convention. Follow up to Kroger days Oct. 1-2, 2011 IHS distributed information and collected donations of food and money from shoppers at the Kroger Grocery Store at Barracks Road Shopping Center in Charlottesville on Saturday and Sunday.
On Sunday, the high school youth group of longtime IHS supporter, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist, came to help. The weather had changed, so these young people had to bundle up against cold and wind, but they were fortified with bagels and good company. They clipped coupons from the Sunday ad insert for the local newspaper and then warmed up by shopping for microwave soups, stews, and other meal packet items. We met a lot of very nice, concerned shoppers and came away with a trunk full of food and enough cash to pay for several hotel rooms. Thank you to everyone who helped, and a big Thank You to Katie Runkle and to Kroger for inviting us to set up our display and collection site. Notes from T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Charity Fair, Richmond, Oct. 4, 2011 Charlottesville area was not scheduled this 2011 kickoff season with a charity fair for state workers to consider which charities are still active and who is new as approved charities for state worker donations. The kickoff date was October 1, 2011.
IHS functions solely to meet the unmet needs of outpatients and caregivers who must travel from all over Virginia to take advantage of one of two state hospitals with state-supported discount opportunities. UVA Medical Center is one of those hospitals; therefore, IHS is serving Virginians state wide by paying for lodging, food, co-pay, prescriptions and travel (as requested). The chance to meet state workers who are not related to UVA Health Services was a pleasure and hopefully will draw contributions for our role in serving the indigent population from every district of the state. Thanks to CVC Director Anne Dinterman, and Program Assistant Melissa New, for their helpful direction and assistance for this new addition (IHS) to the CVC list of charities. The theme this year is "Give from the Heart in 2011." The CVC website for locating Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. Code 3648 is www.cvc.vipnet.org.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Quick Review of Opportunities to Support IHS THIS WEEK and NEXT!
Personal notes from Margaret Gorman in Charlottesville
Note # 1 : Come meet us this weekend outside the Kroger Market at Barracks Road Shopping Center in Charlottesville on Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2 from about 10 am to 3 pm.
Our thanks go to Katie Runkle of Kroger for giving us this opportunity to distribute information about IHS and to ask for donations of food and funds.
On Saturday we hope to be joined by members of the new Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 1819 of the University of Virginia. Seven members of the newly-formed Venturing Crew #1819 assembled 28 meal packets as a service project at their September 20 meeting at the University of Virginia. The Venture Crew is a group of University students who want to do service work as part of the Boy
Scouts of America's program for young men and women.
On Sunday the grades 11 and 12 youth group of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church- Unitarian Universalist will join us for this outreach and fund-raising project. Most of the group will be wearing the IHS logo for ease of identification, as they hand out the IHS shopping list.
We hope Kroger shoppers will use our IHS grocery list to buy food for meal packets that we can assemble onsite. We'd like to meet you too. Please come by to make your contribution and sign a greeting card for the person who will receive your meal packet.
Note # 2 : Save the Date of Saturday, October 8, 8 am - 2 pm. HUGE Yard Sale!
If you are a yard sale fan, plan on coming out to Ivy, VA for a HUGE neighborhood yard sale. IHS is going to participate, along with at least 15 families. Our sale includes a motorcycle helmet, clothes, new books and gifts, toys, housewares, and so on. Our neighbors are selling furniture, antiques, dvd's, musical instruments and more.
Directions from Charlottesville: 250 West to Ivy. Right onto Owensville Road. Go 0.7 mile, then right onto Kimbrough Circle. Look for signs and balloons!
Final Reminder:
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Charity Fair for state employees on October 4th in Richmond. T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg will be manning the IHS table at the James Monroe Building, 101 N. 14th Street, first floor, from 10 am - 1 pm. IHS is now represented on the state website directly at www.vcv.vipnet.org . The IHS code is 3648. There are no Charlottesville area CVC Fairs scheduled to date, so stop by and visit us in Richmond next Tuesday.
Note # 1 : Come meet us this weekend outside the Kroger Market at Barracks Road Shopping Center in Charlottesville on Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2 from about 10 am to 3 pm.
Our thanks go to Katie Runkle of Kroger for giving us this opportunity to distribute information about IHS and to ask for donations of food and funds.
On Saturday we hope to be joined by members of the new Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 1819 of the University of Virginia. Seven members of the newly-formed Venturing Crew #1819 assembled 28 meal packets as a service project at their September 20 meeting at the University of Virginia. The Venture Crew is a group of University students who want to do service work as part of the Boy
UVA Venturing Crew #1819 |
On Sunday the grades 11 and 12 youth group of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church- Unitarian Universalist will join us for this outreach and fund-raising project. Most of the group will be wearing the IHS logo for ease of identification, as they hand out the IHS shopping list.
We hope Kroger shoppers will use our IHS grocery list to buy food for meal packets that we can assemble onsite. We'd like to meet you too. Please come by to make your contribution and sign a greeting card for the person who will receive your meal packet.
Note # 2 : Save the Date of Saturday, October 8, 8 am - 2 pm. HUGE Yard Sale!
If you are a yard sale fan, plan on coming out to Ivy, VA for a HUGE neighborhood yard sale. IHS is going to participate, along with at least 15 families. Our sale includes a motorcycle helmet, clothes, new books and gifts, toys, housewares, and so on. Our neighbors are selling furniture, antiques, dvd's, musical instruments and more.
Directions from Charlottesville: 250 West to Ivy. Right onto Owensville Road. Go 0.7 mile, then right onto Kimbrough Circle. Look for signs and balloons!
Final Reminder:
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Charity Fair for state employees on October 4th in Richmond. T. Wade and Elisheva Clegg will be manning the IHS table at the James Monroe Building, 101 N. 14th Street, first floor, from 10 am - 1 pm. IHS is now represented on the state website directly at www.vcv.vipnet.org . The IHS code is 3648. There are no Charlottesville area CVC Fairs scheduled to date, so stop by and visit us in Richmond next Tuesday.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
There Is Vitality About September ....
A Really Big Opportunity for IHS begins this month
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 kicks off later this month, officially on October 1st. Their website is as follows: www.cvc.vipnet.org. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is listed for the first time. Our CVC code is 3648.
For those who are not familiar with this marvelous opportunity in Virginia, the Campaign is the workplace giving program for state employees. State employees number into the thousands, and that includes those professionals who work for the University of Virginia.
Each state employee can start payroll deduction giving at any time during the year, but the big thrust for becoming acquainted with eligible charities begins at the end of this month. State employees have the option to give to a single charity or as many as four charities.
Although there are no local charity fairs for introducing new charities scheduled for Charlottesville, IHS founding members, Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg III, will attend the CVC Fair on October 4th at the James Monroe Building in Richmond from 10 AM - 1 PM.
If you or a friend or colleague is a Virginia state employee, tell a friend that this public charity, solely dedicated to serving the indigent population for temporary assistance with lodging, food and co-pays who come to the University of Virginia Medical Center, needs support to sustain our program as the "go to" charity when no other resources are available. Look for the IHS table and banner in the Monroe Building on October 4th, and allow us to acquaint you with this vital program to meet "unmet needs" for patients and families who travel from all areas of Virginia to be served by the UVA Medical Center. This charity is the only 24/7 resource available to UVA Social Staff. And we are all volunteers.
The theme for this year's Campaign is "Give from the Heart." This slogan goes well with our saying which is often placed into full day meal packets, along with personal notes from those who assemble food packets: "You don't have to know someone to be a friend." Giving from the Heart is the only contagion we wish to see unleashed by those who can share with those who are in need.
Notes from Margaret Gorman, Meal Packet Coordinator
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian-Universalist in Charlottesville held an intergenerational gathering this past Saturday, September 10th. They assembled 100 full day meal packets as their outreach project for the day's theme of "Cultivating Connections."
About twenty-five people from 5 years old to Seniors participated. They all expressed great satisfaction with this worthwhile and fun project. The children particularly expressed desires to eat some of the delicious foods, but they understood the greater need of the packets' recipients for the nutrition.
The cases of meals and individual meal packets decorated the front of the sanctuary for Sunday worship on September 11th. These meals will be delivered to the UVA Medical Center this week with best wishes and hope for friendship and comfort. The church now has a display table and information sheet-shopping list for members and friends to use so that they can fill a large wooden box in the entry hall with donations that will go for creating more meal packets.
Other Helping Hands in the Charlottesville area this month ...
Also adding to the next delivery, a big thank you to The Red Roof Inn Sales Department, just across from the UVA Medical Center. The hotel has a IHS meal packet display in the lobby and an invitation to guests to either donate food articles while in town for their personal staff assembly program, or donate funds directly to IHS. Last week I picked up 11 meal packets from Red Roof Inn. That's 11 full day meal packets of total nourishment! Thanks to Wilson and Lisa for your heartfelt involvement.
On September 12th Susan Erno called to ask where she could drop off a box of meal packets. That was eight more complete full day packets. Susan learned of the program from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church - Unitarian Universalist. Thanks Susan!
High school student Angela L. used her money earned from baby-sitting to buy granola bars and juice that were used in meal packets recently. Thanks Angela!
And finally, thanks to this charity's most consistent monthly donors from day one, three years on-going. Cassandra and Norman Pope McElvy drove up from Asheville, NC last week for a few days with friends. They spent one afternoon at Sam's Club shopping for items for use in assembling meals. Their afternoon of very deliberate shopping for the charity resulted in items for almost 40 complete meals. Thanks so much for your supportive visit. PLEASE COME AGAIN!
In Closing ...
To all of you who are helping us help others, thanks for giving from your hearts. If you or a friend needs our guidance sheet for making zip lock full day meals, and ideas to incorporate for having a really fun time, just send an e-mail to info@interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org.
Love ... US
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 kicks off later this month, officially on October 1st. Their website is as follows: www.cvc.vipnet.org. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is listed for the first time. Our CVC code is 3648.
Each state employee can start payroll deduction giving at any time during the year, but the big thrust for becoming acquainted with eligible charities begins at the end of this month. State employees have the option to give to a single charity or as many as four charities.
Although there are no local charity fairs for introducing new charities scheduled for Charlottesville, IHS founding members, Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg III, will attend the CVC Fair on October 4th at the James Monroe Building in Richmond from 10 AM - 1 PM.
If you or a friend or colleague is a Virginia state employee, tell a friend that this public charity, solely dedicated to serving the indigent population for temporary assistance with lodging, food and co-pays who come to the University of Virginia Medical Center, needs support to sustain our program as the "go to" charity when no other resources are available. Look for the IHS table and banner in the Monroe Building on October 4th, and allow us to acquaint you with this vital program to meet "unmet needs" for patients and families who travel from all areas of Virginia to be served by the UVA Medical Center. This charity is the only 24/7 resource available to UVA Social Staff. And we are all volunteers.
The theme for this year's Campaign is "Give from the Heart." This slogan goes well with our saying which is often placed into full day meal packets, along with personal notes from those who assemble food packets: "You don't have to know someone to be a friend." Giving from the Heart is the only contagion we wish to see unleashed by those who can share with those who are in need.
Notes from Margaret Gorman, Meal Packet Coordinator
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian-Universalist in Charlottesville held an intergenerational gathering this past Saturday, September 10th. They assembled 100 full day meal packets as their outreach project for the day's theme of "Cultivating Connections."
About twenty-five people from 5 years old to Seniors participated. They all expressed great satisfaction with this worthwhile and fun project. The children particularly expressed desires to eat some of the delicious foods, but they understood the greater need of the packets' recipients for the nutrition.
The cases of meals and individual meal packets decorated the front of the sanctuary for Sunday worship on September 11th. These meals will be delivered to the UVA Medical Center this week with best wishes and hope for friendship and comfort. The church now has a display table and information sheet-shopping list for members and friends to use so that they can fill a large wooden box in the entry hall with donations that will go for creating more meal packets.
Other Helping Hands in the Charlottesville area this month ...
On September 12th Susan Erno called to ask where she could drop off a box of meal packets. That was eight more complete full day packets. Susan learned of the program from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church - Unitarian Universalist. Thanks Susan!
High school student Angela L. used her money earned from baby-sitting to buy granola bars and juice that were used in meal packets recently. Thanks Angela!
And finally, thanks to this charity's most consistent monthly donors from day one, three years on-going. Cassandra and Norman Pope McElvy drove up from Asheville, NC last week for a few days with friends. They spent one afternoon at Sam's Club shopping for items for use in assembling meals. Their afternoon of very deliberate shopping for the charity resulted in items for almost 40 complete meals. Thanks so much for your supportive visit. PLEASE COME AGAIN!
In Closing ...
To all of you who are helping us help others, thanks for giving from your hearts. If you or a friend needs our guidance sheet for making zip lock full day meals, and ideas to incorporate for having a really fun time, just send an e-mail to info@interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org.
Love ... US
Thursday, August 25, 2011
You Don't Have To Know Someone to be a Friend
Pretend for just a moment I called you personally and said, "There is a family down the street who simply can't balance their rent and buy groceries this week. I need your assistance." You know me well enough from my past notes that if I stated this fact that you could trust that I needed your involvement ... and soon. I would not be asking for a specific amount, but perhaps enough for funding a day or two of meals.
My objective for the underfunded and indigent families who come to UVA Medical Center in need of food and lodging is ever increasing, but the absolute minimum need for full day nourishment is now 200 packets monthly. These are the families just down the street caught in life's crisis as a loved one is being treated for so many desperate situations.
I constantly reflect on how I would feel if my child was laying there in critical condition without knowing what is to come, and all the time I was there without adequate money and hungry, ashamed of having to ask for help. Someone did call me last year; someone who sees this situation daily. Her name is Teresa Bevins, the UVA Pediatric Social Worker.
Please visit that appeal and scroll back to the "older entries" on our blog to April 26, 2010, and read those situations which are on-going at the Medical Center. I still visit Teresa's comments and it never fails to cause an emotional stirring. And Elisheva and I never go shopping for groceries without picking up items for our own meal packets for the twice monthly delivery.
I must continue to reach out for your consideration monthly for as little as $5 to make a full day meal, or by organizing a family activity, kid's day in the neighborhood, a garage sale, or a church gathering solely dedicated to assembling food items for making completed packets.
We are always ready to offer advice regarding what is needed and when to pick up or drop off. Margaret Gorman, Meal Packet Manager, has the pamphlet for guidance. IHS email is info@interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org and our mailing address is:
In case you hadn't guessed, we always put a note into each meal packet ... something personal to let the recipient know that "You don't have to know someone to be a friend."
Thanks for all that you can do to keep this opportunity vital.
Love... T. Wade Clegg III
My objective for the underfunded and indigent families who come to UVA Medical Center in need of food and lodging is ever increasing, but the absolute minimum need for full day nourishment is now 200 packets monthly. These are the families just down the street caught in life's crisis as a loved one is being treated for so many desperate situations.
I constantly reflect on how I would feel if my child was laying there in critical condition without knowing what is to come, and all the time I was there without adequate money and hungry, ashamed of having to ask for help. Someone did call me last year; someone who sees this situation daily. Her name is Teresa Bevins, the UVA Pediatric Social Worker.
Please visit that appeal and scroll back to the "older entries" on our blog to April 26, 2010, and read those situations which are on-going at the Medical Center. I still visit Teresa's comments and it never fails to cause an emotional stirring. And Elisheva and I never go shopping for groceries without picking up items for our own meal packets for the twice monthly delivery.
I must continue to reach out for your consideration monthly for as little as $5 to make a full day meal, or by organizing a family activity, kid's day in the neighborhood, a garage sale, or a church gathering solely dedicated to assembling food items for making completed packets.
We are always ready to offer advice regarding what is needed and when to pick up or drop off. Margaret Gorman, Meal Packet Manager, has the pamphlet for guidance. IHS email is info@interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org and our mailing address is:
Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc.
P. O. Box 163
Palmyra, VA 22963
In case you hadn't guessed, we always put a note into each meal packet ... something personal to let the recipient know that "You don't have to know someone to be a friend."
Thanks for all that you can do to keep this opportunity vital.
Love... T. Wade Clegg III
SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other state employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) 2011 begins October 1st. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity. To support our work for lodging, meals, co-pay etc., designate your gift to CVC 3648.info@interfaithhumanitariansanctum.org |
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Valued Radio Time
On Monday morning July 25th, Margaret Gorman's mother called her at 6:40 AM to let her know that she (Margaret) had just missed the airing of an excellent feature on local radio about Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum's Meal Packet Program.
Then later that morning we all received calls from several UVA Medical Center social workers and staff who also heard the 3.5 minute feature while driving to work. Only the early risers hear the really good stuff!
Those friends who receive our twice monthly e-mails, which are converted to the IHS blog site for retention for return and review or "listen," will remember several weeks ago when there was a meal packet work party in Ivy area of Charlottesville. That event which had about 19 volunteers assembling full day meal packets was graciously attended by Sandy Hausman, Charlottesville Station Manager of WVFT /Radio IQ. Sandy took a large part of June 11th, a Saturday, and spent time speaking and recording participants at the IHS work party. Then she put together this really informative feature for airing on morning drive on the morning of July 25th.
Regretfully, I am never alert for driving most mornings, and therefore not likely to hear much morning radio; however, thanks to the miracle of "podcasts," this interview is retained for further sharing. We have retained it for you to hear below, but it is also saved on www.wvft.org. Click on News and Public Affairs, then scroll down to the story and click and LISTEN.
Please take three and a half minutes of your day or night and listen to the wonderful opportunity which Sandy Hausman has put together for sharing IHS efforts to feed patients and caregivers who come to the UVA Medical Center from great distances and too often are without funds for food.
Now turn up the sound on your computer and enjoy:
Teresa called at 3 PM August 1st...Social Work office cupboard has only 5 meals remaining. Last delivery was July 22 with 100 full day meal packets, so there is indeed a consistent need for supply. We will deliver today.
A Final Reminder
School is out and scouts, Sunday schools, kids groups are not available until September to be able to collect food items and have assembly sessions. This is considered a "down time" for participants, but not for those hungry people we serve at UVA Medical. Therefore, if at all possible, if you and your group of kids or adults are not able to personally make some meal packets with direction from Margaret Gorman, then please know that every $5 represents a full day of nourishment for those mothers sitting with their infants waiting for critical operations, and so many families who enter ER each week not expecting the tragedy unfolding.
Please know that WE (that's you and me and Elisheva and Margaret and Patrick and Dawn and Sam and Tina and Sandy and Teresa and so many others) are all involved in something really good. Thanks for your attention, and enjoy the radio program.
Blessings .... T. Wade Clegg III
Then later that morning we all received calls from several UVA Medical Center social workers and staff who also heard the 3.5 minute feature while driving to work. Only the early risers hear the really good stuff!
Those friends who receive our twice monthly e-mails, which are converted to the IHS blog site for retention for return and review or "listen," will remember several weeks ago when there was a meal packet work party in Ivy area of Charlottesville. That event which had about 19 volunteers assembling full day meal packets was graciously attended by Sandy Hausman, Charlottesville Station Manager of WVFT /Radio IQ. Sandy took a large part of June 11th, a Saturday, and spent time speaking and recording participants at the IHS work party. Then she put together this really informative feature for airing on morning drive on the morning of July 25th.
Regretfully, I am never alert for driving most mornings, and therefore not likely to hear much morning radio; however, thanks to the miracle of "podcasts," this interview is retained for further sharing. We have retained it for you to hear below, but it is also saved on www.wvft.org. Click on News and Public Affairs, then scroll down to the story and click and LISTEN.
Please take three and a half minutes of your day or night and listen to the wonderful opportunity which Sandy Hausman has put together for sharing IHS efforts to feed patients and caregivers who come to the UVA Medical Center from great distances and too often are without funds for food.
Now turn up the sound on your computer and enjoy:
WVFT Radio Broadcast on IHS |
Late Notice from Teresa Bevins, Pediatric Clinic UVA Medical Center
School is out and scouts, Sunday schools, kids groups are not available until September to be able to collect food items and have assembly sessions. This is considered a "down time" for participants, but not for those hungry people we serve at UVA Medical. Therefore, if at all possible, if you and your group of kids or adults are not able to personally make some meal packets with direction from Margaret Gorman, then please know that every $5 represents a full day of nourishment for those mothers sitting with their infants waiting for critical operations, and so many families who enter ER each week not expecting the tragedy unfolding.
Please know that WE (that's you and me and Elisheva and Margaret and Patrick and Dawn and Sam and Tina and Sandy and Teresa and so many others) are all involved in something really good. Thanks for your attention, and enjoy the radio program.
Blessings .... T. Wade Clegg III
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Update - First Six Months of 2011 - and a look back over two years!
Each time a list of figures is tabulated, a stark reality affects all of us at this charity. When I am using the word "people" ... these are "individuals" who would be adversely affected if this service was not provided. 589 individuals who stayed in 1210 overnight rooms in just over two years were secured with shelter because of this charity and every one of you who assisted with your contributions.
Let's look at it together:
From January - June 2011 (6 months) 165 people were lodged in 527 overnight rooms.
For July 2011 (first 20 days) another 26 people were lodged in 15 overnight rooms.
Therefore, the total for 2011 to date: 191 people were lodged in 542 overnight rooms.
How does the first 6.5 months of 2011 compare to the entire year of 2010?
For year 2010 (Jan- Dec 12 months) 259 people were lodged in 536 overnight rooms.
Return with me to 2009, when IHS began actively backing the UVA Medical Center social work staff when no other source was available. In other words for whatever reason there was either no room or a restriction for entry into UVA Hospitality House (HH), and a hotel room was needed for overflow traffic, or someone needed assistance for staying in a HH room. Also, there were numerous assists when Ronald McDonald House (RMH) arrivals came too early and faced a full house, and no funds for a few days as they waited for an RMH opening.
For year 2009 (from June - Dec 7 months) 139 people were lodged in 132 overnight rooms.
Notice any trends over this two year span of time?
It's easy to spot. The number of individuals and the number of overnight rooms has increased in these cycles. The number of rooms in the first six and a half months of 2011 has already exceeded the entire year of 2010. More under-funded people are coming for health care and to provide temporary comfort for loved ones with deadly conditions.
We do not have to be creative. These individuals all have names and are personally known by social workers seeking to assist them maneuver through the system at a critical juncture in their lives or the lives of their most precious possession ... a loved one.
I stared at this page for some time and reflected on so many instances of sadness. The stories are many, and they do not disappear in our thoughts once shelter and food are provided. Some names reappear on the request list. They must return for cancer treatment, and noticeably with more frequency over time. They are coming to THE MEDICAL CENTER to secure a chance for a more abundant and healthy existence.
There must remain community efforts to insure that immediate response is available to those already plagued by life's unrelenting challenges. This charity is one of those efforts. Thank you for whatever you are doing to make a difference to our efforts and for other routes to relieve the suffering. Remember - you do not have to know someone to be a friend.
With Love ... T. Wade
Let's look at it together:
From January - June 2011 (6 months) 165 people were lodged in 527 overnight rooms.
For July 2011 (first 20 days) another 26 people were lodged in 15 overnight rooms.
Therefore, the total for 2011 to date: 191 people were lodged in 542 overnight rooms.
How does the first 6.5 months of 2011 compare to the entire year of 2010?
For year 2010 (Jan- Dec 12 months) 259 people were lodged in 536 overnight rooms.
Return with me to 2009, when IHS began actively backing the UVA Medical Center social work staff when no other source was available. In other words for whatever reason there was either no room or a restriction for entry into UVA Hospitality House (HH), and a hotel room was needed for overflow traffic, or someone needed assistance for staying in a HH room. Also, there were numerous assists when Ronald McDonald House (RMH) arrivals came too early and faced a full house, and no funds for a few days as they waited for an RMH opening.
For year 2009 (from June - Dec 7 months) 139 people were lodged in 132 overnight rooms.
Notice any trends over this two year span of time?
It's easy to spot. The number of individuals and the number of overnight rooms has increased in these cycles. The number of rooms in the first six and a half months of 2011 has already exceeded the entire year of 2010. More under-funded people are coming for health care and to provide temporary comfort for loved ones with deadly conditions.
We do not have to be creative. These individuals all have names and are personally known by social workers seeking to assist them maneuver through the system at a critical juncture in their lives or the lives of their most precious possession ... a loved one.
I stared at this page for some time and reflected on so many instances of sadness. The stories are many, and they do not disappear in our thoughts once shelter and food are provided. Some names reappear on the request list. They must return for cancer treatment, and noticeably with more frequency over time. They are coming to THE MEDICAL CENTER to secure a chance for a more abundant and healthy existence.
There must remain community efforts to insure that immediate response is available to those already plagued by life's unrelenting challenges. This charity is one of those efforts. Thank you for whatever you are doing to make a difference to our efforts and for other routes to relieve the suffering. Remember - you do not have to know someone to be a friend.
With Love ... T. Wade
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Independence Day!
A Personal note from Meal Packet Coordinator, Margaret Gorman
Over this holiday weekend the mother of an adult patient in grave condition arrived at the Medical Center with the hopes of staying in UVA Hospitality House (HH) for just one night. This very worried parent came prepared to only pay the $10 per night rate, but she also was accompanied by a teenager. The under-18 child is not allowed in HH, but fortunately IHS charity located and paid for a commercial room in this busy holiday climate.
What was doubly gratifying in this situation was that the social worker said,
If you need the pamphlet from Margaret Gorman as to how to make a full day zip lock meal packet, she is waiting to provide those instructions. Even if you can't actually find a group or a child to assist in preparation, we are all prepared to receive individual items in boxes and arrange a work party to assemble. Remember us each time you go grocery shopping and pick up a few items which will allow us to stay ahead. If the bounty is large enough, we will drive considerable distances to pick up your contribution.
Blessings ... OH ... and may every day forward be cause to celebrate!
"My nephew, Justin Erwin, a graduate student at the University of Virginia, is helping a friend empty his Charlottesville apartment as he prepares to move to San Francisco. His friend has completed his medical residency at the UVA Hospital and will now begin work as an anesthesiologist out West.
Justin just contacted me to say he had a box of food for us. What a treasure trove of items that are perfect for our meal packets! I guess medical residents have lifestyles that require them to eat in ways that are similar to the people we help with meal packets. Justin delivered boxes of organic instant oats, high-quality protein bars, granola bars and microwave main dishes.
I have a few containers of fruit in my stock pile, as well as some of the non-food items (napkins, plastic spoons, forks, Dixie microwave paper bowls) that we need to assemble meal packets. I will pick up a few things (always in need of zip lock gallon size bags) to fill in what we need and expect to produce 25 more meal packets this week.
I so appreciate Justin for thinking of us, and for his friend for donating the food.
I would like to join the Reverends Clegg in thanking all the groups and individuals who answered our call for meal packets and who helped us build a stockpile of meals for summer use. Our supply might not last until September, but this 25 meal gift from Justin and his friend will help us get through August.Just a short note to add to Margaret's greeting
Our meal packets are helping so many people who are going through difficult times, and I am grateful to everyone who helps us relieve them of worry or hunger."

What was doubly gratifying in this situation was that the social worker said,
"It's so nice to have those full day meal packets handy. I will give this family a few packets to take to the hotel to get them through their short visit. They will need their extra few dollars for gas when they drive home."Final reminder
If you need the pamphlet from Margaret Gorman as to how to make a full day zip lock meal packet, she is waiting to provide those instructions. Even if you can't actually find a group or a child to assist in preparation, we are all prepared to receive individual items in boxes and arrange a work party to assemble. Remember us each time you go grocery shopping and pick up a few items which will allow us to stay ahead. If the bounty is large enough, we will drive considerable distances to pick up your contribution.
Blessings ... OH ... and may every day forward be cause to celebrate!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Louisa Volunteers Do It Again ... and Baby Clothes Too!
Louisa Volunteers Gave Us A Boost into July
The kids from St. Jude and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Louisa, Virginia gathered on June 17th for a combined youth group effort for IHS. As a result, and thanks to Tina Schweikart, Karin Sewell and Missy Bishop (youth pastor) for organizing the activity, the youth group produced 47 full day meal packets and 14 breakfast meal packets.
Tina and Taylor Schweikart delivered the bounty to IHS June 21st and the entire output found its way directly into both the UVA Pediatric Clinic for caregivers and also for indigent patients staying at UVA Hospitality House.
Teresa Bevins, clinical social worker, and coordinator in the Pediatric Clinic for the IHS Meal Program, had just realized that this past week there was a run on meal packets due to increased traffic throughout the Medical Center. She was down to just three(3) full day meals when delivery was made on June 23rd.
The Louisa Youth Group supplies were combined with previous work parties in June for a total delivery of 124 full day gallon size ziplock meal packets. The combined breakfast and single meal packets delivered to UVA Hospitality House's Mary Jackson on Wednesday came to 24 meals, plus a box of 36 snack packs for patient and family occupants.
Did you see that notice about the need for infant clothes in the last e-mail?
Guess what? Tina Schweikart did, and met our immediate need within days.
Tina works for the Paul Stefan Foundation, which provides transitional housing for expectant mothers and their babies.
Tina said:
By the time you read this note, all items will have been distributed for immediate use in the hospital. Thanks to Tina and all those generous folks who are devoted to mothers and their infants at the Paul Stefan Foundation. The receipt of those items will allow for a lot of infants to go home with much, much more than when they arrived for treatment.
Never be afraid to give even a little
Too often friends of the charity will hesitate when they are waiting to consider a larger donation. What would really help us get up caught up with bills to hotels for lodging would be just $5-$10 monthly. If just that amount could be considered monthly, we could tackle the increasing hotel expenses.
Find one of those canisters for display in the kitchen area, and put a little sign on it which says,
For two years we have kept our promise to the kids and their families. A little help is always appreciated.
Blessings ... T. Wade Clegg III
The kids from St. Jude and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Louisa, Virginia gathered on June 17th for a combined youth group effort for IHS. As a result, and thanks to Tina Schweikart, Karin Sewell and Missy Bishop (youth pastor) for organizing the activity, the youth group produced 47 full day meal packets and 14 breakfast meal packets.
Combined Youth Group takes a break after packing meals |
Teresa Bevins, clinical social worker, and coordinator in the Pediatric Clinic for the IHS Meal Program, had just realized that this past week there was a run on meal packets due to increased traffic throughout the Medical Center. She was down to just three(3) full day meals when delivery was made on June 23rd.
The Louisa Youth Group supplies were combined with previous work parties in June for a total delivery of 124 full day gallon size ziplock meal packets. The combined breakfast and single meal packets delivered to UVA Hospitality House's Mary Jackson on Wednesday came to 24 meals, plus a box of 36 snack packs for patient and family occupants.
Did you see that notice about the need for infant clothes in the last e-mail?
Guess what? Tina Schweikart did, and met our immediate need within days.
Tina works for the Paul Stefan Foundation, which provides transitional housing for expectant mothers and their babies.
"I checked in at work today, and we have a large number of baby blankets and baby girl clothing. We wanted to share with you thanks to the abundance provided by our wonderful followers. We had a run of baby boy births for the past year. Most everything is brand new, but a few items that are used are in very nice shape."What a delight to receive these clothes and accessories for the infants who arrive and sometimes leave the UVA Medical Center Pediatric Clinic with so very little. Tina also brought some of most gorgeous baby blankets we've received. It was like a treasure trove.
By the time you read this note, all items will have been distributed for immediate use in the hospital. Thanks to Tina and all those generous folks who are devoted to mothers and their infants at the Paul Stefan Foundation. The receipt of those items will allow for a lot of infants to go home with much, much more than when they arrived for treatment.
Never be afraid to give even a little
Too often friends of the charity will hesitate when they are waiting to consider a larger donation. What would really help us get up caught up with bills to hotels for lodging would be just $5-$10 monthly. If just that amount could be considered monthly, we could tackle the increasing hotel expenses.
Find one of those canisters for display in the kitchen area, and put a little sign on it which says,
"These coins will be my gift to make sure that no kids sleep in cars with their hungry family while their loved ones are being served at Virginia's premier medical center."That's what Colonel Ed Fishpaw did this last year. Colonel Ed lives in Manassas, Virginia, and comes to the UVA Medical Center as necessary. He turned his collection of coins into the bank and sent us a check for $357.00. It is amazing what a few coins a day can do.
For two years we have kept our promise to the kids and their families. A little help is always appreciated.
Blessings ... T. Wade Clegg III
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Food, Lodging and Prescriptions Update
Update for June
- June 4 & June 15 Single Meal packets delivered to UVA Hospitality House
(HH): Total 51
- June 8 - What a day! Four (4) hotel rooms booked in one 3 hour period for four families who could not be accommodated and would have had nowhere to stay had IHS not existed. UVA Hospitality House (HH) is now frequently full. Commercial room funds truly needed.
- June 11 - Home assembly session for meal packets in Charlottesville at Gorman Home.
- June 16 - Request for assistance for infusion of funds for prescriptions today.
- June 16 - Just received e-mail from Teresa Bevins, Clinical social worker in Pediatrics. She said, "If you have the opportunity, we are running low on baby clothes both genders. So, anything in sizes newborn to 9 months would be great." Simply place any new baby clothes in a box and UPS to Rev. Elisheva Clegg, 37 Brougham, Palmyra, VA 22963, or send funds via PayPal or mail to IHS at P.O. Box 163, Palmyra, VA 22963.
- May 25 - (late recognition) - Thanks to Mollie Michie Preschool, 717 Rugby Road, Charlottesville. Just before leaving for summer, the Preschool produced 18 full day meal packets which were picked up later that week. Those packets will be added to the June hospital delivery.
- This past weekend Margaret Gorman organized a home work party to assemble meal packets. Nineteen (19) people from ages 3 - to beyond 3 - gathered and occupied space throughout Margaret's home in Charlottesville. What a sight it was!
- The little kids drew all sorts of colorful images, some almost recognizable. Then the older "kids" cut those pages into hearts and pasted them onto welcome notes for placement into each full day meal packet. That was the kitchen group.
- Then the dining and living room areas had different stacks of food supplies arranged for a circular trail of workers to fill their gallon zip-lock bags with a full day's worth of nutritional items. Then another group accepted the completed packets and boxed and labeled. The total results of two fun-packed hours resulted in 80 full-day meal packets and 22 single meal packets.
- Next delivery to replenish the UVA Medical Center Pediatric storage cabinet is this coming week. 22 of those single meal packets were delivered to UVA Hospitality House yesterday.
- Please allow me to thank those participating and using their Saturday for this wonderful effort: Dawn, John, Timothy, Michael and Joshua Cleveland; Mark Graham with children Emma, Ellie and William; Then there was Angela, Alice, Matt and Zach (no last names provided); Margaret and Patrick Gorman; and Elisheva and T. Wade. Oh ...
- And there was special guest Sandy Hausman, Charlottesville Station Manager, WTVF, Radio IQ, who interviewed participants and took photographs of this joyful happening. Thanks to everyone involved. You made a difference. Thanks again ...
- Blessings ... T. Wade
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Can You Match Timothy's Donation for June?
On May 27th when I reached into my post office box in Palmyra, there was a single letter with a hand-written note from 6 year -old Timothy Cleveland who lives in the Ivy area of Charlottesville. Also enclosed was a donation of $30.75.
The note said,
This was the same day that Margaret Gorman and her neighbors were hosting a yard sale just down the street for the sole purpose of raising additional funds for the charity's hotel bills for the very active months of April - May. Although Margaret is the Food Development Officer for IHS, she never stops coming up with projects to meet total charity needs.
Margaret said that Timothy's lemonade stand was "adorable." Also, as seen in the photo it was easy to spot, not only for refreshments for those neighbors participating in the yard sale, but also for the intended purpose ...and the sweetest possible salesperson.
A big neighborhood thanks to the Kimbrough Circle neighbors who assisted with another donation for the charity at the Gorman home. Other participants for the event's success with an additional $175.00 were Dick and Nancy Erwin, and Bo Berndt. This one neighborhood on the outskirts of Charlottesville continues to excel in the spirit of giving.
The UVA Hospitality House (HH) has been continuously full during April - May. This trend has not stopped. As I write on June 8th, Ronald McDonald House was full and assistance rendered for placement of a family. Four hotel rooms were booked this day alone. Your assistance is certainly appreciated. Quite literally, we are the only opportunity in these cases. Thanks for your attention. Please consider matching 6-year old Timothy's full day of work for "helping the sick people." Thanks again ...
Blessings ... T. Wade Clegg III
The note said,
The previous Saturday Timothy and his mom Dawn set up their lovely stand and raised funds for IHS to be used for lodging expenses for families and patients in need of a place to stay.
"Dear Rev. Clegg,
Timothy and his mom selling lemonade!
Here is some money to help sick people at UVA Hospital. We made the money with our lemonade stand on Saturday. Love, Timothy Cleveland."
This was the same day that Margaret Gorman and her neighbors were hosting a yard sale just down the street for the sole purpose of raising additional funds for the charity's hotel bills for the very active months of April - May. Although Margaret is the Food Development Officer for IHS, she never stops coming up with projects to meet total charity needs.
Margaret said that Timothy's lemonade stand was "adorable." Also, as seen in the photo it was easy to spot, not only for refreshments for those neighbors participating in the yard sale, but also for the intended purpose ...and the sweetest possible salesperson.
A big neighborhood thanks to the Kimbrough Circle neighbors who assisted with another donation for the charity at the Gorman home. Other participants for the event's success with an additional $175.00 were Dick and Nancy Erwin, and Bo Berndt. This one neighborhood on the outskirts of Charlottesville continues to excel in the spirit of giving.
Special Notice to Friends of the Charity
Blessings ... T. Wade Clegg III
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"You must give sometime to your fellow man. Even if it is a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it"