Monday, October 27, 2014

A Special Request for One-Time Assistance from a UVA Social Worker

IHS has been given permission to acquaint its friends of a vital one-time opportunity to assist a patient.  IHS has very specific categories of on-going temporary assistance for the underfunded long-distance patients who must come to UVA Medical Center. This type request for a dedicated piece of equipment is an exception; therefore, this appeal is projected for your thoughtful consideration through your contacts as a family, a church, a club, a business, a school, etc.  With certainty the necessary funds to purchase this needed medical monitor can be obtained by casting a very broad net. Cast your net freely and with vigor! Please see my summary after reading the Social Worker request below:

Please read the two notes below from Social Worker KC received in the last two days.

First Note from KC:
"I'm looking for info and resources regarding a patient I'm working with who is in great need for a Dex-Com 64 Platinum glucose continuous monitor.  Long story short, my patient has no income (her disabled kids have SSI), no health insurance.  Comes to UVA for diabetes management and education.  Her diabetes specialist very much wants the patient to have this device.   The company does not have an assistance charity program for this device. Any ideas or recommendations will be most useful.

My patient has an older model but it is not working, parts cannot be replaced.  The company who makes this device tells me it comes in 3 parts:  2 parts are $599 each and third part which are the sensors are $399.  That's about $1,600, it's a chunk of change. I don't think shipping and tax is included. And trying to purchase this used, say on e-bay or Craig's List is too risky; it's also not good health care practice."
Second Note from KC:
"Patient has been trained on her old device and can master the new, upgraded one.  Physician sent me a clarifying e-mail this AM stating it's pretty essential the patient have this. She can monitor her glucose very very carefully with this device; she had it going 24/7.  She is the caregiver for 2 adult disabled children and she needs to be as sharp as she can be at all times.  Nighttime is very worrisome because she has had night-time difficulty with her sugars.  This device has sensors and has a transmitter and receiver built into it.

Disability:  Patient did apply once, but was denied.  She wants to work.  She is trying to get approved by her children's Medicaid to be their Medicaid funded aide; therefore, she would get paid.  So far, she has been denied this, but she is still working this out.  She HAS to drive her two kids daily to Lynchburg (area of residence) for their jobs/workshops; no one else can do this.  So, even IF she could get some local job (and she has looked), she needs to be available to her kids and that is her priority in life. "
Final Comments from IHS:

When a UVA Social Worker calls, this charity will always reach out.  Equipment requests of this nature are unusual, and not within our budget. We supply infant car seats annually to UVA Pediatrics, and over the years we have rented electric breast pumps for uninsured mothers, bought specialized cribs, etc., however, unexpected expensive items require us to offer friends of the hospital an opportunity to reach a little deeper to assist a very difficult situation.

This request can be secured with a group effort:

The objective is $1,600.  All donations will receive a tax deductible letter. A group appeal among your contacts can achieve this objective rather quickly.  Sometimes a group can appeal for $100, singular donors perhaps $25-$50, and before you know it ... less than 50 people can make this gift a reality.  Social Worker KC will provide details for IHS to make a direct purchase for shipment to the patient.

Final Note:  Please make payment to

P.O. Box 163
Palmyra, VA 22963

and indicate that your one-time gift is for "Patient Monitor."  Should this request draw more than the needed amount, your gift will be placed in the IHS Emergency Prescription, Co-Pay and Transportation Fund for indigent and underfunded patients.  Just sharing.

If you should feel strongly and want to help NOW in this unique situation please take advantage of the automatic payment link below to be taken to a secure and encrypted website. From there you can specify that your donation is to "Patient Monitor". As you know, we do not ask lightly for support unless it is truly needed. Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house.  


Thank you so much for this consideration.  
Sincerely ...T. Wade & Elisheva Clegg and Sam McLawhorn -  
Founding Members IHS 

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