Sunday, December 30, 2018

Holiday Notes for Friends of the Charity

From: Lashanna Hicks HS, Clinical Social Worker, UVA GEN PEDS Outpatient
Hope all continues to be well. I have an updated count on car seats for the week. As of 11/29/2018 at 11:15 am, we have 0 - Comfy Carry (under 5 lbs), 2 - Cosco Scenera convertible seats (up to 40 lbs.), and 1 - Harmony backless booster (40-100 lbs.) in stock. The last Comfy Carry seat was distributed today.
As always, thanks for everything that all have done and continue to do for us here at UVA and the patients/families we serve. We are forever grateful and appreciative for IHS, Sam, the late Rev. Elisheva' Clegg and of course you, Rev. Thomas Wade Clegg.
Thank you ... Lashanna"
P lease note that IHS received a Federal Express delivery this week within 3 days which consisted of 10 - Comfy Carry car seats. IHS has 3 - Cosco Scenera seats in stock and 2 - Harmony boosters in stock. IHS will purchase more seats as needed during Dece mb er. The Cosco Scenera and Harmony booster items are obtained with ease from a reliable retail Walmart store in Louisa County, Virginia.

For Friends of IHS who may not know of this service for indigent or underfunded parents of infants at UVA Medical Center, IHS has provided a new infant car seat through the UVA Social Work Office for the last eight years when a parent is leaving the hospital and not able to afford purchase of an infant car seat. An infant car seat is a mandatory item for departure of all infants from the Medical Center.
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form. 

Thank you for your support & much love  ...  
T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn 
Founding Members IHS 

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other Virginia Commonwealth State Employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) begins October 1, 2018.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 003648..

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

thanksgiving-dinner.jpg There are two days each year at the UVA Hospitality House when Mary Jackson and staff extend themselves by providing a special meal for outpatients.  The first opportunity is Thanksgiving. About half the rooms are empty during holidays; however, many patients, especially those who are here for cancer treatment, must remain away from home. It is a real delight for these long distance guests to be treated to a special meal by the staff and friends of Hospitality House, Interfaith Humanitarian  Sanctum (IHS) has participated annually for the last ten years in Thanksgiving and/or the Christmas dinner by providing pre-cooked hams and turkeys. This year the Hospitality House directly received several monetary donations for the main items for the Thanksgiving meal.  IHS has continued to stock Hospitality House kitchen needs monthly upon receipt of a detailed e-mail from Supervisor Mary Jackson.

The next holiday meal at Hospitality House will be on or about Christmas Day,  Friends of the House and IHS are invited to contact Mary Jackson by calling (434) 924-0000 at the Main Hospital and ask for UVA Hospitality House. Mary will be delighted to discuss what items can be provided directly to the House and best date and time for delivery. Hospitality House is located within blocks from the Medical Center. Monetary donations are also accepted via mail at:

P.O. Box 163
Palmyra, VA 22963. 

Checks to the charity should be made payable to IHS.

Please know that periodically a church or business group will volunteer with meal preparation at the House. Simply relate your wish to participate to Mary Jackson.  She will be delighted to hear your desire to assist with serving and preparation of these special meals.

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form. 

Thank you for your support & much love  ...  
T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn 
Founding Members IHS 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Special Note from the Patient Navigator

 UVA Cancer Center ... Just sharing
"I am writing to express my appreciation for the generous efforts and contributions of Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum. IHS contributions have a significant impact for numerous patients receiving care at University of Virginia Health System. Patients' caregivers may also be impacted by the services of IHS.

I have contacted Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum leadership on several occasions to request lodging assistance for patients. Patients travel significant distances to appointments and may be unable to travel home same day. If the UVA Hospitality House is unable to accommodate the patient, we need an alternative solution. Expenditures often increase and income decreases when there is a cancer diagnosis. Patients may not be able to afford the cost of a hotel stay. Having a community resource through IHS, a short term solution, can often be secured.
                                                                                                Sincerely,Faith Havran,Pt Navigator
Thank you to Faith for those words of encouragement and appreciation for us at IHS. This is why we were created. This is why we do what we do.  

Don't forget that now through Nov 2, AmazonSmile is donating 5% (ten times the usual amount) to Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum Inc when you shop at:
#AmazonSmile #StartWithaSmile 
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form. 

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn for IHS  
Founding Members IHS 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Few Notes of Importance for October 2018

Perhaps  ... just perhaps ... YOU can spread the word!
Three Categories could use a boost!
They are:
1. Full-Day Meal Packets for the Food Cabinet located in the Office of Social Work in the UVA Medical Center.  Please access the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum website for a detailed copy of what is needed in the meal packets. Presently, two churches provide scheduled projects to keep our stock ready.  If you would like to speak with the two church leaders for tips on how they stimulate enthusiasm, please e-mail us for their names and phone numbers. Perhaps your church or club or Scout contacts can find time for participation quarterly or monthly to share the load. Full day meal packets are accessed by UVA Social Workers to assist underfunded outpatients and their caregivers who simply can't afford a meal in the hospital cafe.

Infant Car Seats for indigent and grossly underfunded patients who are caught off guard with the time of departure with an infant for that trip home. IHS seeks to keep in  stock at our storage office the three main sizes of these safety seats which are needed by the Pediatric staff.  Our next order of car seats will entail purchase of about two dozen new seats. IHS must provide "new" seats when issued through the UVA Medical Center.

Lodging Assistance Fees for Underfunded outpatients and necessary caregivers.Lodging  is  especially needed  for patients who must travel long distances for treatment or appointments. The ability to balance funds for travel, food and lodging is critical for the indigent and underfunded. In fact many such patients often will negate coming to Charlottesville when these needs can not be met. IHS generally is that last option for a Social Worker to contact when someone arrives and finds that they simply can't afford the cost of even one night at UVA Hospitality House or a commercial hotel when the House is fully occupied.  IHS also stocks the Hospitality House kitchen monthly with an email of needed supplies from the House Supervisor.  

Whatever you can do to raise interest in support of this 24/7 nonprofit effort for the least able among us is so appreciated.

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form. 

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn for IHS  
Founding Members IHS 

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other Virginia Commonwealth State Employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) begins October 1, 2018.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 003648..

Friday, September 28, 2018

Early Notice - the Final Quarter of 2018 is dedicated to Giving

Beginning each October - November,  the UVA Medical Center Health System Employees will be reminded of an important state program to facilitate giving over the following year.

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) offers that annual opportunity for state employees to participate in the payroll deduction program which supports a variety of  eligible non-profits who serve Virginians.
Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) has been serving indigent and underfunded UVA patients and their caregivers since 2009 and has been listed with CVC for the last eight years.  IHS is that silent charity on call 24/7 which is dedicated and accessed by the Hospital's entire Social Work staff when no other agency, clinic, charity or resource is available to provide immediate temporary assistance.  Because of IHS's immediate access, Social Workers are able to provide the least able with immediate lodging, food packets,  co-pays, and other must-have requirements to balance their ability to sustain themselves immediately upon arrival in Charlottesville.

IHS serves hundreds annually with lodging assistance and thousands with food packets. There is never a charge for assistance when IHS is called by a Social Worker for assistance. Those who are provided lodging do not know who is assisting them with payment for a room in UVA Hospitality House or as needed a commercial hotel room.  The guests only know that their Social Worker contact at the Medical Center has reached out to a resource and secure their needs.  The same is true when an underfunded out-patient and family member does not have adequate funds for food, and the Social Work staff will take "a full day meal packet" from the Social Work Office in the Main Hospital. IHS has provided from 150-250 meal packets monthly as needed, and keeps the UVA Hospitality House (HH) kitchen fully stocked based on monthly contact from the HH Manager.

UVA  employee giving through the CVC annually keeps this vital partnership active. The CVC Code for Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) is 003648.  Remember - this non-paid all volunteer charity responds 24/7 to the Social Work staff at the Medical Center.   IHS is the final safety net for the least able who must come to this state hospital and the Social Work staff has no one else to call.

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form. 

Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn for IHS 

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other Virginia Commonwealth State Employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) begins October 1, 2018.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 003648..

Friday, June 29, 2018

In Case Your Didn't Know It ...

The IHS storage and meal-making office at Building 105, Crofton Place, Lake Monticello (about 12 miles from the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville), is almost totally  restored.  The office experienced an unusual shock when the ceiling collapsed one night about a month ago. Lot of high winds evidently shook the rafters and down came the sheet-rock. No water damage, even with all the rain; however, dust covered everything. Quiet a surprise to open the office door and find that the ceiling and floor were competing for space. No other office in the single story building was effected.

That was then ... this is now

The office was totally painted last week. The remaining work is to find a commercial vacuum cleaner and remove the remaining dust which has settled in the carpet. All meal packets were removed to another building the day after the incident. Fortunately, the packets in the office were tightly sealed, and still in large trash bags awaiting review by staff. Therefore, the dust did not penetrate the contents. Since bags are generally stacked along and against the office walls, nothing was crushed when the sheet rock fell down in the center of the room.

First week of July will  be spent setting up office in an orderly fashion

Present stock of meal packets will be boxed and made ready for next delivery to the UVA Office of Social Work cabinet. The Fluvanna County Grace & Glory Lutheran Church, which makes about 60 meal packets each second Sunday of the month will add to present stock, and those of you who happen to live in the Virginia counties of Fluvanna, Albemarle, Louisa and Nelson can call and offer to add to the summer supplies. Just pick up the phone and call us at (434) 589-4864. And make contact by email at and copy my personal email at

I really do want to receive your desire to participate.   Let's talk!   

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.  

Much love from all of us... and Happy Summer.  
May your roof remain intact!
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn for IHS 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A Little History ... A Lot of Appreciation

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is not familiar to all recipients of the IHS e-mails.  CVC is a state government opportunity for state employees to annually pledge a charitable donation through the payroll deduction program for nonprofits. After 8 years of participation in this UVA program for nonprofit giving, IHS's annual receipt of funds has ranged from $2,000 - $4,000.  Quite frankly, the only real opportunity for exposure is limited, and depends upon UVA hospital staff projecting the value of this charity for underfunded patients and families who must come to UVA Charlottesville for appointments and treatment.
In the May 10, 2018 CVC letter of notification, the campaign stated that it had collected for  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc.  for 2017-2018 pledges a total of $ 2,136.00. At present this amount will be disbursed in 12 payments of $174.44.

Only eleven (11) state employee donors who made a gift in the 2017-2018 campaign wanted to be acknowledged. Their contact information was provided and each will receive a personal letter of acknowledgement. The only other route to express our appreciation to those who will not receive a personal note is in this monthly e-mail. To every donor, either through the CVC or donating outside of the payroll deduction program, your support is so vital to so many who arrive for so many vital and immediate needs. Without our presence to respond to Social Workers 24/7, so many would simply not make that trip from considerable distances, and decide to forego critical evaluation and treatment. 

If you are an employee at UVA Medical Center please introduce this "silent charity" to other members who may not be familiar with us. Our website has a 6 minute video on page 1.  All will find the website so helpful.  Thank you so much.

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.  


Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  
T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn  

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other Virginia Commonwealth State Employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) begins October 1, 2018.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 003648..

Saturday, May 26, 2018

A Special Thanks to J & E Berkley Foundation

A letter and attachment arrived this past week which gave the arrival of Spring an extra special meaning. The opening paragraph reads,  

"The J & E Berkley Foundation considered your grant request at a meeting held on May 1, 2018. It is my pleasure to inform you that a grant of $3,500 was awarded to Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) to be used as outlined in your proposal dated March 31, 2018.

Enclosed is an official check in the amount of $3,500."
This delightful letter and check was signed by Chris Pasmore, Executive Director.

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.  


Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Spirit of Giving .... and More Participants


March - April has been a productive period, especially for meal-making

Please take a few minutes and review the generosity  of the following new volunteers and those who have  revitalized their efforts for consistent participation. 
  • Thank you Anya Rothman, age 12, from Crozet who selected IHS for a services project. With the full support of her family, Anya put together 24 full-day meal packets.  Such a productive output is generally only undertaken by a group; however, Anya devoted herself in an extraordinary effort for her Bat Mitzvah celebration.
  • Thank you Udeyvir Cheema and Andria Li, who spearheaded the making of 42 meal packets at the UVA American Medical  Student Association (AMSA). AMSA is a national organization that includes premedical and medical students, interns, residents and physicians. At the UVA chapter they connect premed students with each other through various professional service and social opportunities. Andria learned of the IHS  program while attending Western Albemarle High School and serving as President of her high school Key Club.
  • Thank you Ann Salamini and the Elders Covenant Group at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church UU located on Rugby Road in Charlottesville for adding 18 meal packets in April to the outstanding March project by Youth Sunday School members who completed 219  meal packets.  As most friends of the charity know, the TJMC UU is the anchor church for  the meal  packet program annually, under the  guidance of IHS's most prolific volunteer, Margaret Gorman.
  • Thank you Maria Brown, Director of The Children's Garden kindergarten in Albemarle County. The children support the meal packet collection annually with no less than a dozen packets.
  • Thank  you Debra Kurre, project leader for the Fluvanna Rotary Club's first meal packet project which began just weeks ago.
In closing - it is well  worth repeating that Effort Baptist Church at Lake Monticello  in Fluvanna County has included IHS in their Quarterly Tithing Program.  This donation has proven to be so helpful in sustaining the IHS Lodging expenses for immediate funding for so many outpatient arrivals  for treatment at UVA, especially when Ronald McDonald House is fully occupied, or underfunded outpatients arrive for chemotherapy for lengthy stays. And finally, thanks for Jan  and Paul Crowther and Justin Wade and the congregation of meal makers at Grace and Glory Lutheran Church in Palmyra, Virginia who make 60 packets every second Sunday of each month. THANKS TO ALL!   

And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March Is Moving Rather Quickly ...

It happens annually ... Tax time deadline; submission of annual application for Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC);  reviewing grants with April deadlines; and contact by participants who wish to become active in support of IHS categories, especially for making meal packets for UVA Medical Center caregivers who accompany patients.

As I write this e-mail, it is Sunday March 18, 2018 and ...

I received an e-mail from Margaret Gorman that her Sunday School classes at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church UU in Charlottesville are having a meal making session at the church at this time.  Thanks to all who are participating! They're making 204 full-day meal packets.

This past week, following their regular second Sunday production at Grace & Glory Lutheran Church in Palmyra, the church made 62 meal packets and delivered to the Lake Monticello
IHS Office.  Thanks to Jan Crowther and Justin Wade for their leadership for this monthly effort.

I also received an e-mail today from Andria Li, one of the monthly service chairs for AMSA, a pre-med club at the University of Virginia. Andria announced that they intend to make 42 meal packets in the next few weeks.  This will be their first time involvement.  Thanks to AMSA.

Oh ... I almost forgot to mention the Fluvanna Rotary Club

A few weeks ago, the Fluvanna Rotary Club made their first production of meal packets. Debra Kurre headed up that project with Rotary members who set aside a time and date for that effort. Debra met with me at the IHS office to review what was needed and organized the session.  It really helps when a first-time participant meets with an experienced leader of a meal-making church, club, clinic or scout troop and learns what items are best for the contents of a meal packet. It sometimes takes a little practice to understand sizes and what constitutes a complete packet. Debra Kurre's visit paid off and the packets were excellent.

I know this is a short note ... but it shows that volunteers are adding to our idea of positive MARCH MADNESS!

In closing,  please know that we look forward to other groups who wish to add IHS meal-making to their list of charity activities. Also know that there are some other categories whereby funds alone can greatly secure the needs of indigent patients and caregivers. For example, lodging and prescription funds are always at the forefront of this charity's efforts. Once a year participation or several times annually ... YOU select how your group can involve helping out!
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  

Monday, February 26, 2018

Anything worth saying is worth repeating a thousand times ...

Therefore, it is prominent that what we repeat is truly worthwhile. What that generally means is that there will be individuals and groups to whom excessive mention is justified. Why? Because their consistent participation with funds and food are among the most important sustaining factors for lifting large numbers of people for whom this charity seeks to support.

In the past year ... the following have blessed us with their abundant  giving:
  • Grace and Glory Lutheran Church in Palmyra makes no less than 60 full-day meal packets every second Sunday and delivered them to the IHS office at Lake Monticello.
  • Effort Baptist Church in Palmyra has donated several thousand dollars from their "tithing program" to be used as needed for lodging, food and infant car seats.
  • Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church UU in Charlottesville remains the anchor church for production of meal packets several times annually through their Sunday School Giving, producing hundreds of meals each session.
Thank you All for what you are doing to maintain this worthy program!

And who are the people we help?

There is an indigent and grossly underfunded population who receive their treatment at two medical centers in Virginia. The University of Virginia(UVA)  is one of these facilities. What is not known by the general population is that far too many who must come to Charlottesville, home of the UVA Medical Center, simply can't afford travel, commercial lodging, food, or medications for out-patient treatment.

The challenge of the long-haul, and unexpected time away from home unprepared

There is a matter of extended "out-patient" stays of many weeks for those who come to the UVA Cancer Center. An initial review of a patient can determine that the situation is critical and extensive appointments are needed. Extended assistance may be located and secured, but very few charities or agencies are geared to immediate assistance for patients who are totally without funds. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) was originated in order to assist with immediate needs for days, while the UVA Social Work staff goes into overdrive to find those opportunities for those who will be in critical treatment for long periods. Your participation as an individual or as a part of a church or business or club is so appreciated.
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Much Love ... "Us"  

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Just Sharing ....

I thought that you might like to know how we learn of lodging needs for the least able who must come to UVA Medical Center for treatment and diagnostic appointments. All requests must come from a UVA Social Worker assigned to each patient's case. This is not news to those who have assisted us for years, but it never hurts to repeat som e examples of requests just in case you forward this note to a friend or colleague to join this charity  in support of indigent patients and their caregivers.  
January 2018:   In the last 4-5 weeks IHS received 7  requests for lodging assistance.  One request required reservation in a commercial hotel, since the patient was to be accompanied by a spouse and small child. There is no accommodation for children under 18 years of age in the UVA Hospitality House; however, due  to extreme weather, the couple had to postpone the trip from southern Virginia. A commercial room was booked and canceled, but the hotel did not charge the charity, since the patient did not use the room.  
Two requests w ere for cancer patients. Neither patient is identified nor their Medical Record Number provided herein or on the Social Worker e-mail request. Both requests below were honored, as were the other single night requests from other Social workers.
  Patient #1:  "I have a newly diagnosed advance cancer patient who needs to be here for 6 weeks of XRT. She lives 4 hours away. She had to quit her job and has applied for disability, but will not hear back for months. She has no other source of income and is no longer married.  Her daughter-in-law is coming with her to help out. They have been able to get some money together for gas and food, but lodging funds are hard for them. Social Worker FH still needs to meet them, but she is starting tomorrow, so I wondered if you would be willing to pay for the following nights:  (3 nights this week; 3 nights next week; and 1 night the next week).  So it would come to $ ____.  Could you let me know today? Thank you!!!!!!"
Patient #2:  "Would IHS be willing to cover t h e stay of a patient and her caregiver? The patient had missed several appointments over the course of the last few weeks due to unreliable transportation. She lives nearly 100 miles away. It is very important that she finishes her cancer treatment.  She was able to make it here on Wednesday and her radiation team has adjusted her schedule so that she can finish sooner than originally expected. She will go home Tuesday. Her treatment requires mild anesthesia so she must have a support person with her. She has been unable to work during her cancer treatment.  Could IHS pay for two people for 6 nights for a total of $ ____? Thank you for your consideration."
Click Here to Support us this Valentine's Day

Remember ... IHS re-stocks the Social Work Office food cabinet in the Social Work Office on the main floor of the main hospital, based on a call and e-mail request by the Social Worker assigned to monitor the full-day meal packets. IHS re-stocks the kitchen supplies at UVA Hospitality House (HH) upon receipt of a list of needs via e-mail from the HH Supervisor. In general both activities occur every three weeks, and usually within 48 hours of the requests. 
And, as always, please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

Your thoughtful consideration of our efforts is so appreciated.   
Sincerely ... T. Wade Clegg III & Sam McLawhorn
IHS Founding Members 

SPECIAL NOTICE for UVA Medical and University staff, and all other Virginia Commonwealth State Employees. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) begins October 1, 2018.  Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. (IHS) is a CVC charity.  To support our work for lodging, food programs, prescriptions & co-pays, pediatric support with infant car seats and clothing, etc. , designate your gift to CVC code 003648..