Monday, November 23, 2015

IHS Holiday On-Line Auction Begins

The Winter 2015 IHS Auction for Compassion & Hope with Love Opens for Bids on November 27, 2015

Yes - this is a big deal for fundraising which HELPS SAVE LIVES!  Your participation with placement of an item or activity in our first-time on-line auction, and further participation with bidding, quite literally have a dramatic impact on so many.

Did you read previously the actual quotes from a University of Virginia  Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center Social Worker?  Although tailored, these thoughts resonate so loudly. Please take this into your heart and allow it to simmer over this Thanksgiving:
"The Cancer Center serves a wide variety of patients who travel great distances to receive care they couldn't otherwise access. Their treatment often involves 6-7 weeks of daily radiation therapy in combination with weekly chemotherapy. Our patients are typically exhausted, overwhelmed, and fearful of their course. Many of these patients face severe economic and financial distress as a result of their cancer diagnosis. They use every means possible to get to Charlottesville and then learn that they will need to pay for lodging, meals and gas, during their treatment.

Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum (IHS) has helped alleviate this burden by assisting with  lodging and supplying essential food items for unexpected and unplanned events. To say that IHS helps "save lives"  is an understatement. They have added quality, dignity, and hope to the lives of MANY of our patients and their family members.

IHS truly makes a difference  every day. They provide an opportunity and financial means for our patients to succeed in treatment through delivery of specific concrete services. IHS is vital to our Cancer team particularly as we struggle to meet the growing needs of our patient population with few resources."
You  can still donate an item as the actual auction begins.

Here is the link for registering items to be donated:

Your donation keeps us in rapid response mode!

Please remember that all of us at IHS are non-paid volunteers, and we are all donating what we can to IHS personally. Also remember - for transparency we hold the "Gold Seal of Approval" from the national clearing house. Please do what you can. And, if you would like to donate now to our cause, please click the button below to go to our encrypted secure on-line donation form.

 A Sincere Appeal ...T. Wade, Elisheva & Sam
 IHS Founding Officers 

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